Knitting stitch patterns
A knitting dictionary that includes beautiful, easy to knit stitches for beginners and more advanced knitters.
How to Knit Diamonds in the Round (with circular needles)
As per your request, today, you’ll learn how to knit diamonds in the round. Last week, I shared the easiest diamond pattern I’ve seen so far (knitted flat or back and forth)… And many of you asked for the circular version. So, there you go 🙂 Before starting, please note that there are a couple of changes when comparing both versions. For example, when knitting diamonds in the round, you don’t have to purl, so the purl stitches and the purl rows change to knit stitches and knit rounds. In addition, although the repeat is the same, we’ll invert those 2 steps in rounds 4 and 8. Anyways, it’s a…
How to Knit the Easiest Diamond Pattern (+ video)
Today, you’ll learn how to knit the easiest Diamond Stitch I’ve seen so far… Why? In essence, the repeat is short (just 2 steps)! We’ve practiced several diamond patterns in the past (find the links further down), and they involve counting more stitches, and constantly changing knits and purls, so we need to be more vigilant 😉 Moreover, in this case, easy isn’t a synonym of ordinary, or simple. This Diamond stitch has an adorable texture to it, and it will work for both, children’s and adults’ projects. However, it tends to curl at the bottom. So we have two options when knitting a garment that should stay flat: First,…
How to Knit an Amazing Herringbone Stitch (1 row!)
In this tutorial, I’m sharing how to knit and bind off, an amazing, yet simple, Herringbone stitch 🙂 It’s a one-row repeat pattern, super easy and fun to do (the only techniques required are knit, purl, slip one stitch, and knit two stitches together). We’ve practiced a few Herringbone stitch patterns in the past, some of them involve two rows, and one of them it’s another one-row repeat pattern. However, this one is something special. Why? Well, because both sides are identical, and we have to memorize only 3 steps! Besides, it has a lovely texture to it (to me, it’s a 3D stitch pattern); it’s spongy and cozy. So,…
How to Knit a Super Textured Stitch + video (2 rows)
Today, I’m sharing how to knit a super textured stitch, that’s reversible, and doesn’t curl! It’s a two-row repeat pattern, and if you can knit and purl, you can do it 😉 Although both sides look different, they look pretty (really textured), so I say it’s a reversible stitch pattern. Besides, this super textured stitch pattern lays flat no matter what! So, it’s perfect for a wide range of projects: It will work not only for scarves and infinite cowls, but also for blankets, hats, and even cardigans or sweaters. Furthermore, it’s an amazing pattern for dishcloths, placemats, or a table runner. Finally, in the video tutorial, I’ll show you…
How to Knit a Reversible Down Arrow Stitch
In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to knit a reversible Down Arrow Stitch, easy and full of texture (similar to the Little Arrows Stitch we practiced a while ago). Honestly, when I saw it, I fell in love again; there are several reasons why… First, it’s easy to knit (the only techniques required are knit and purl stitches; there’s no need to make increases or decreases). Second, both sides look pretty, and different, but lovely, so it’s perfect for a scarf, a blanket, or an infinite cowl. Third, its texture is pretty rich and cute at the same time, so it will work not only for a baby blanket, but…
How to Knit Reversible Hearts (One Knit + Purl pattern)
Today, I’m sharing how to knit reversible hearts, a pretty and super easy stitch pattern. Honestly, I’ve always loved the heart shape, and what I like the most is how versatile it can be, especially for us knitters. Although a Heart Fair Isle pattern would be my first choice, not many knitters are confident to try it when they are just starting. So, this pattern is perfect, because the only techniques required are knit and purl, such as The Pennant Stitch which we practiced a while ago. Besides, it’s perfect, not only for blankets, but also for children’s accessories, sweaters or cardigans, and home decor. For example, if you prefer…
The easy way to wrap floats (Fair Isle knitting)
Today, I’ll show you a quick and easy way to wrap floats when knitting Fair Isle. Actually, before explaining myself further, I’d like to explain what floats are, especially, for those knitters who aren’t familiar with the term yet: Floats are the strands that show at the back of the fabric (the wrong side of the work) in any Fair Isle pattern. And why should we trap or wrap the floats? First, after my tutorial “How to Knit Your First Fair Isle Pattern”, I was asked by many little Woollies the best method for dealing with floats. Second, because it’s necessary! When we work several stitches in one color, we…
How to Knit the Knot Stitch Pattern (for extra texture!)
In this tutorial, I’m sharing how to knit the Knot Stitch, a cute, floral pattern, easy and fun to do. I think it’s also one of what I like to call 3D patterns, because the knots definitely stand out, no matter if you’re working with a fine yarn! Moreover, the beauty of it, is that you can decide where to place the knots because the space between them can be easily adjusted 😉 Therefore, the Knot Stitch is a pretty versatile pattern; use it for a sweater, a hat, a cushion, or for example, make a blanket, a scarf, or a cowl. However, if you choose to knit a piece…
How to Knit Your First Fair Isle Pattern (Fleur-De-Lys)
In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to knit The Fleur-De-Lys stitch, a gorgeous yet easy pattern; a classic of the knitting world, even though it’s French 🙂 I think it’s a perfect introduction to the Fair Isle (also known as stranded colorwork or Jacquard), a technique used to create repetitive, continuous, big or small designs using two or more colors. Furthermore, the real Fair Isle technique, named in honor of a Scottish island (part of the Shetland Islands), consists of working with up to five colors, using two of them on each round. However, the Fair Isle technique must not be confused with Intarsia; another technique, used to knit solid…
How to Knit the Little Flowers stitch (4 rows only!)
Today, I’m sharing how to knit, the Little Flowers stitch, an amazing four-row repeat pattern! Its texture is simply spectacular; to me, this one is another pretty 3D knitting pattern, full of volume and texture. Besides, the so-called “wrong side” features an interesting design too, completely different, but also pretty. In other words, you can classify the Little Flowers stitch as a reversible pattern. Actually, I’d like to use it, not only for scarves, cowls, or blankets, but also for the sleeves of an oversized sweater or cardigan (just like the one I shared a couple of weeks ago). Nevertheless, I have to say that the sides tend to bend…