Horizontal slipped stitch knitting pattern
Knitting stitch patterns

Horizontal slipped stitch: A reversible, two-row repeat knitting pattern

In this tutorial, you’ll learn a pretty stitch: The Horizontal Slipped stitch. This pattern is quite delicate, elegant, yet easy to knit: a two-row repeat stitch that combines knits and purls while slipping a couple of stitches.

It’s a unisex and reversible stitch (both sides look beautiful, although they are not identical), ideal for knitting women’s and men’s cowls, scarves and sweaters.

Before recording the video tutorial I knitted several swatches using different yarn qualities and thicknesses…

And my suggestion is to use a mildly thin yarn, for example, DK or light worsted weight yarn, for US 6 (4 mm) knitting needles.

Two-row repeat, reversible, unisex, knitting stitch pattern. So Woolly.

And this swatch was knitted using one of my favorite bamboo knitting needles…what a pleasure!


CO: Cast on

st: Stitch

K: Knit

P: Purl

sl1: Slip one stitch purlwise

wyif: With yarn in front (bring your yarn to the front of the work)

BO: Bind off

Horizontal slipped stitch

CO multiples of 4; i.e.: 4 * 4 = 16 stitches.

1º and every odd row: K1, *P2, K2*. Repeat from * to *, until there are 3 st left, P2, K1.

2º and every even row: K1, wyif, sl1, sl1, P2*. Repeat from * to *, until there are 3 st left, wyif, sl1, sl1, pass the yarn to the back of the work, K1.

These two rows form the pattern. Repeat them until the desired length is reached.

When finished, and after a row 2, BO in pattern (work every stitch as it presents).

This is the other side of the work:

Easy reversible stitch pattern for knitting cowls and scarves. So Woolly.

Enjoy the video:

Horizontal slipped stitch

I hope you like it as much as I do, and don’t forget to share the love ;D

Hugs and happy knitting,

Carolina – So Woolly

PS: If you like the slipped stitch patterns, look at this one!

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