How to knit the Lace Columns stitch pattern for scarves
Lace Stitches

How to knit the Lace Columns stitch: For scarves and tops

In this post, you’ll learn how to knit the Lace Columns stitch, easy and fun to do.

It’s a four-row repeat pattern, and its vertical design, is perfect for scarves, wraps or throws, seasonal tops, cardigans, or even sweaters.

In fact, it’s similar to the Zig-Zag Lace nº 2 we practiced a while ago, yet easier 😉

The only techniques required are knit, purl, the most common decrease, and a simple increase, so there’s no reason to panic!

Additionally, it’s a versatile stitch: Work with cotton yarn, bamboo, linen (or their blends), and you’ll create a light S/S garment. #ad

However, if you want a warmer piece, substitute the yarns mentioned above for something like Cashmere, Alpaca, wool yarn, or their blends, and you’ll enjoy a cozy piece for A/W.

Last but not least, don’t forget to use sharp tip needles (they are a must-be when knitting lace patterns, especially, if you’re starting to knit) #ad


Block your work once it’s finished! The appearance of your lacy fabric will improve considerably 🙂

Ok, less talk and more action!

Grab your needles and a some yarn, and let’s get lacy!


CO: Cast on

st: Stitch

RS: Right side

K: Knit

P: Purl

yo: Yarn over

sd: Simple left-leaning decrease. Slip one stitch knitwise, knit the next, and pass the slipped stitch over

k2tog: Knit two stitches together

WS: Wrong side

BO: Bind off


The odd rows form the right side of the work.

There are no edge (selvage) stitches included in the stitch count. If you like to have them, add two stitches to your calculations.

How to knit the Lace Columns stitch pattern for seasonal scarves and tops. So Woolly.

How to knit the Lace Columns stitch pattern

CO multiples of 5 + 2. I.e.: 5 * 3 = 15 + 2 = 17 st.

Row 1 (RS): P2, *K1, yo, sd, P2*. Repeat from * to *, to end

Rows 2 and 4: K2, *P3, K2*. Repeat from * to *, to end

Row 3: P2, *k2tog, yo, K1, P2*. Repeat from * to *, to end.

These four rows create the pattern. Repeat them until the desired length is reached.

When finished, BO working each st as it presents after row 3 (WS).

This is the other side of the work:

How to knit the Lace Columns stitch pattern wrong side of the work. So Woolly.

Enjoy the step-by-step video tutorial:

How to knit the Lace Columns stitch pattern

Thank you for watching 🙂

Hugs, and happy knitting, 

Carolina – So Woolly

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PS: If you are a fan of lace stitches, take a look at this one (you’ll love it)

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