Spiral Hat free knitting pattern all sizes
Knitting Projects step by step

How to knit a spiral hat in two colors (all sizes)

This spiral hat in two colors is a great pattern for the whole family! Quick and fun to knit, very affordable as it’s perfect for using up odds and ends, it can be made in many sizes, from 6-month-old babies to 60-year-old adults.

Using straight needles, we’ll knit a parallelogram (a leaning rectangle). Then we’ll join both sides with the grafting technique; so it looks like a square, with diagonal stripes. To finish, we’ll close the top and sew up the pom pom.

However, if you are just starting to knit, and prefer to practice with a Baby Hat with Bunny Ears, you’ll love this one! Really easy, believe me 😉


1 x 5 mm / US 8 knitting needles #ad

Merino wool yarn for 4.5 – 5 mm knitting needles (DK, 8 ply, Number 4 or Medium) in two colors.

Color A will be used for starting the hat (grey); color B (yellow), also used to make the pom pom. 

(Quantities specified below, according to each size).

1 x Scissors

1 x  5 mm crochet hook (US H-8) #ad

1 x darning needle #ad

Measurement tape


XS (6 – 12 months): 30 gr color A (pom pom included), 15 gr color B

S (2 – 4 years): 40 gr color A, 25 gr color B

M (5 to 10 years): 50 gr color A, 35 gr color B

L (Adults): 60 gr color A, 45 gr color B

Finished piece measurements

Size XS: 16 in / 40 cm circumference; 5.51 in / 14 cm tall

Size S: 17 in / 43 cm circumference; 6.69 in / 17 cm tall

Size M: 18  in / 46 cm circumference; 7.48 in / 19 cm tall

Size L: 22 – 24 in / 55-60-cm circumference; 8.66 in / 22 cm tall


20 st and 31 rows equals 4 in / 10 cm.


CO: Cast on

st: Stitch

sy: Scrap Yarn

RS: Right side of the work

k: Knit

p: Purl

k2tog: Knit two stitches together

p2tog: Purl two stitches together

yo: Yarn over

BO: Bind off

Note before starting: The scarp yarn must be smooth (i.e.: cotton yarn), in a contrasting color and same weight as your working yarn.

On every odd row (RS) we’ll increase one stitch ash the beginning, and decrease one stitch at the end. On the contrary, all even rows are rest rows, no increases or decreases will be made.

All yarn over made on previous rows, must be knitted or purled through the back loop, so we don’t get a hole.

Spiral hat free knitting pattern and step by step tutorial

How to knit a spiral hat in two colors (all sizes)

Provisional CO:

With the crochet hook and a long piece of sy, chain 5 stitches more than needed for your size (45, 55, 65, 75 st).

Make a couple of knots on the side where the chain starts. 

Facing the wrong size of the crochet chain (it looks like a bunch of hyphens, and this should be the side where you placed the knots), with your knitting needle and color A, (skip a couple of hyphens) pull one st through every hyphen, until you have 40, 50, 60, 70 st.

Preparatory rows (in color A):

1º row (RS): K1, yo, k to last 3 st, k2tog, k1.

2º row: P across (purl the yo through the back loop).

These two rows won’t be made again until we get to the end of the hat.

Now we’ll see how to knit the stripes in each color; the stripes will be repeated x number of times, depending on the size.

COLOR B Stripe:

1º and 3º rows: P1, yo, p to last 3 st, p2tog, p1.

2º and 4º rows: K across (k the yo through the back loop).

COLOR A Stripe:

1º and 3º rows: K1, yo, k to last 3 st, k2tog, k1.

2º and 4º rows: P across (p the yo through the back loop).

Knit these last two stripes:

10 times for XS size (20 stripes in total, 10 in color A and 10 in color B).

11 times for S size (22 stripes: 11 in color A and 11 in color B).

12 times for M size (24 stripes: 12 and 12).

17 times for L size (34 stripes: 17 and 17).

Now, knit another stripe in color B.

Finish the hat with these last two rows:

1º row (COLOR A) (RS): K1, yo, k to last 3 st, k2tog, k1.

2º row (COLOR B): P across (purl the yo through the back loop).

To join the hat, we’ll use the grafting technique (please watch the video). 

Weave in the ends and sew up the pom pom 🙂

Diagonal striped hat knitting pattern all sizes

Enjoy the video!

Hugs and happy knitting!

Carolina – So Woolly

PS: If you love to knit hats, this one is for you! #ad

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