Herringbone Lace stitch: A one-row repeat knitting pattern for beginners - So Woolly | So Woolly
Herringbone Lace stitch one row repeat knitting pattern
Lace Stitches

Herringbone Lace stitch: A one-row repeat knitting pattern for beginners

In today’s tutorial, you’ll learn an adorable pattern, super easy to knit (just 3 simple steps), and reversible (identical on both sides): The Herringbone Lace stitch.

It’s the perfect option for beginners that are looking to knit lace for the first time, because the only techniques required are the knit stitch, knit two stitches together, and yarn forward.

The Herringbone Lace is a one-row repeat pattern (it means that there is only one row that will be repeated time and time again), and you can use it for both Summer and Winter garments, in other words cotton or wool, you decide!

This stitch pattern has no right or wrong side, because both  look exactly the same, it’s similar to the Grid lace stitch we practiced some weeks ago.

So, grab those needles my little woollies and let’s knit!


CO: Cast on

st: stitch

k: Knit

k2tog: Knit two stitches together

yfwd: Bring the yarn forward and over the right-hand needle. It’s also called yarn in front (yf).

This is one side of the work:

How to knit Herringbone Lace stitch pattern for beginners. So Woolly.

Herringbone Lace stitch pattern

CO multiples of 4; i.e.: 4 * 4 = 16 st.

First and only row: *K2, yfwd, k2tog*. Repeat from * to *, to the end of the row.

This row creates the pattern, and will be repeated it until the desired length is reached.

When finished, BO knitwise (it doesn’t matter which side).

And this is the other side of the work:

One-row repeat reversible lace knitting stitch pattern (written instructions and video tutorial). So Woolly.

Enjoy the video (I’m showing both, English and Continental style, oooh soooo fancy!):

Herringbone Lace stitch

I hope you like it!

Stay safe, hugs, and happy knitting 🙂


Carolina – So Woolly

PS: Looking for more easy lace patterns? Take a look at these ones: 

How to knit lace in two easy steps (one-row stitch pattern)

Lace Cross knitting pattern (only two rows)

Two-row repeat reversible Lace knitting pattern

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