Lace Cross knitting stitch
Lace Stitches

Lace Cross knitting stitch: An easy two-row repeat pattern, ideal for beginners

In today’s tutorial, you’ll learn how to knit one of the easiest lace stitches I know: The Lace Cross pattern. It’s made using two rows, one of which is just purling.

If you haven’t tried yet knitting lace, this could be a great way to start 😉

The Lace Cross stitch has a lovely texture to it, and the vertical design makes it perfect for knitting scarves, wraps, rectangular shawls, or a seasonal top.

It tends to curl at the bottom, so think about knitting a nice edge on each side, if your garment is rectangular and should stay flat.

This swatch was knitted using one of my favorite 100% cotton yarn (soft, bright…just gorgeous!) #ad

Easy two-row lace knitting stitch pattern tutorial. So Woolly.

And bamboo needles (I love the feeling and the sound)… #ad


CO: Cast on

RS: Right side of the work

P: Purl

k2tog: Knit two stitches together

k2tog tbl: Knit two stitches together through the back loop

BO: Bind off

How to knit an easy lace stitch, step by step. So Woolly.

Lace Cross knitting stitch

CO an even number of stitches

1º and every odd row: P across

2º and every even row: *K2tog, don’t drop the stitch, k2togtbl*. Repeat from * to *. to the end of the row.

These two rows create the pattern. Repeat them until the desired length is reached. When finished, BO purlwise, after a row 2.

This is the wrong side of the work:

Enjoy the video tutorial:

Hugs, and happy knitting 🙂


Carolina – So Woolly

PS: Would you like to knit a scarf, a wrap, a cowl, maybe a blanket, and don’t know how many stitches to cast on, or how much yarn you’ll need? Don’t worry! 

Follow this step by step process, and you’ll succeed!

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