Cross stitch knitting pattern
Knitting stitch patterns

How to knit the Cross Stitch (for cowls, scarves, and hats)

In today’s tutorial, a gorgeous cross stitch pattern, easy to knit, it has a rich texture to it, and it’s perfect for knitting cowls, scarves, hats, even jumpers and cardigans (for women, men and children). I love it!

Similar to the Cross stitch we practiced sometime ago, this one is a four-row repeat pattern, and although it doesn’t curl, it’s better to knit a nice edge on each side (for example in Garter stitch, Seed stitch, or 1×1 Rib stitch), because the stitch crossing makes the sides of the fabric a little bit skewed (it won’t be a straight square or rectangle, it will look more like a parallelogram).

But it’s so beautiful, that it’s well worth a try. So, let’s get started!


CO: Cast on

RS: Right side of the work

K: Knit

P: Purl

p2tog: Purl two stitches together

BO: Bind off

Cross knitting stitch pattern and video tutorial, step by step. So Woolly.

Cross stitch pattern: For knitting cowls,

scarves and hats

Note: The odd rows create the right side of the work.

CO an odd number of stitches. 

1º row (RS): K1, *K1 inserting the right-hand needle between the first and the second stitch (seen from right to left), don’t drop it. K2*. Repeat from * to *, to end

2º row: P1, *P1, p2tog*. Repeat from * to *, to end

3º row: K2, *K1 inserting the right-hand needle between the first and the second stitch (seen from right to left), don’t drop it. K2*. Repeat from * to *, ending with K1

4º row: P2, *P1, p2tog*. Repeat from * to *, ending with P1.

These four rows form the pattern. Repeat them until the desired length is reached, and BO, after a row 3, working each stitch as it presents.

This is the wrong side of the work:

Cross knitting stitch pattern: This is the wrong side of the work. So Woolly.

Enjoy the video:

How to Knit the Cross Stitch Pattern

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial, and thank you for watching!

Hugs, and happy knitting 🙂

Carolina –  So Woolly

PS: Looking for more cross stitch patterns? Find some more here:

Crossed Check stitch

Crests stitch

Ripple stitch

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