Two-color knitting stitch pattern So Woolly
Knitting stitch patterns

Two-Color Slip-Stitch knitting pattern (no purling required)

In this tutorial, I’m sharing how to knit the Two-Color Slip-Stitch pattern. A fluffy four-row repeat pattern that doesn’t curl, (and so easy, that there is no need to purl, yay!).

It’s a nice option for blankets, baby stuff, but also, any kind of home decorations (table runner, placemats, cushions, etc.).

Before anything else, I’d like to share some guidelines to obtain the best results when knitting the two-color slip-stitch pattern:

In the first place, although rows 1 and 3, look very similar, as well as rows and 2 and 4, they are indeed different. 

So, please pay attention, because it’s easy to get confused the first time you try it. (I didn’t, and this is why there is a black line on my swatch).

Secondly, use two contrasting colors of the same thickness, quality, and brand, when possible.

Finally, because this stitch produces a thick fabric, use needles one number above the manufacturers’ suggestion on the label.

Ok then, grab your needles + yarn, and let’s get busy!

Easy two color knitting stitch pattern and tutorial. So Woolly.


CO: Cast on

st: Stitch

RS: Right side of the work

K: Knit

Sl: Slip one stitch

wyib: With yarn in back

wyif: With yarn in front

CA: Color A (lighter color)

CB: Color B (darker color)

BO: Bind off

This swatch was made of the super chunky Crazy Sexy Wool #ad

Two-color knitting stitch pattern: Easy to knit (no purling required). So Woolly.

And I used US 19 (15 mm) needles #ad


The odd rows create the RS.

The cast-on row should be looser than normal (don’t tighten up the stitches).

Always slip the stitches purl wise (pass one stitch onto the right-hand needle as if to purl).

The first and the last stitches are selvedge stitches, and they will be knitted on each row.

In the video tutorial I’m using pale blue as color A, and scarlet red as color B.

How to knit the Two Color Slip-Stitch pattern

With CA, CO an even number of st (it will include 2 selvage stitches).

1º row: With CB, K1, *K1, wyib sl1*. Repeat from *to *, ending with K1.

2º row: With CB, K1, *wyif sl1, K1*. Repeat from *to *, ending with K1.

3º row: With CA, K1, *wyib sl1, K1*. Repeat from *to *, ending with K1.

4ª row: With CA, K1 *K1, wyif sl1*. Repeat from *to *, ending with K1.

These four rows form the pattern. Repeat them until the desired length is reached.

When finished, BO knitwise after a row 4 (with CA).

This is the other side of the work:

Learn to knit quickly knitting patterns and tutorials. So Woolly.

Just click here to watch the video tutorial


Hugs, and happy knitting 🙂


Carolina – So Woolly

PS: Loving to knit in two colors? Try this lovely technique to make something special!

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