Knitting stitch patterns

Easy Scarf knitting stitch pattern: Identical on both sides

Today, you’ll learn how to knit an adorable scarf knitting stitch pattern, ideal for beginners. 

Its advantages are many: It doesn’t curl, it’s reversible and identical on both sides, and it’s a two-row repeat pattern.

This scarf knitting stitch pattern is created only by a combination of knits and purls (no increases, decreases, nor slip stitches are required).

Easy to knit, it’s a great stitch for knitting women’s and men’s scarves, cowls, and even a blanket, as well as the last version of the Broken Rib we learned some days ago.

Easy two-row repeat knitting stitch pattern: Identical on both sides, and it doesn't curl. So Woolly.


CO: Cast on

st: Stitch

k: Knit

p: Purl

BO: Bind off

Easy Scarf knitting stitch pattern

CO multiples of 4 + 1; i.e.: 4 * 3 = 12 + 1 = 13 stitches.

1º row: P1, *k3, p1*. Repeat from * to *, to the end.

2º row: *k2, p1, k1*. Repeat from * to *, to last st, k1.

These two rows form the pattern. Repeat them until the desired length is reached. When finished, BO each st as it presents.

And… don’t forget to block your work! This blocking board + pins will help you to get crispy stitches, for a professional look!

This is the other side of the work:

Reversible knitting stitch pattern for scarves identical both sides. So Woolly.

And now, enjoy the video:

Easy Scarf knitting stitch pattern

I hope you like it and don’t forget to share the love ;D

Happy Holidays!


Carolina – So Woolly

PS: If you have never blocked your knitting, please take a look at the step by step process here!

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