How to knit the Scrunchy Stitch pattern for Summer and Winter garments
Knitting stitch patterns

Scrunchy Stitch knitting pattern: For Summer and Winter garments

This Scrunchy Stitch includes everything we knitters love: A fancy texture, easy and fun to knit, it lays flat, although it’s not reversible, it looks pretty on the “wrong” side, and it forms a spongy fabric.

Furthermore, it’s a six-row repeat pattern, five of which are knitting and purling, nothing complicated really (as easy as the 2 x 1 Rib stitch). The “action” comes in row 6 😉

For those reasons, the Scrunchy Stitch is a great option when knitting different kind of projects. From a hat, to a sweater or top, but also nice for blankets, cushions, scarves, etc.

Another key point is that the Scrunchy Stitch is so versatile: It can be used for Summer or Winter garments, changing only the fiber. 

It works with wool, Mohair, Cashmere, Alpaca, as well as cotton yarn, bamboo, or linen.

Without further ado, let’s get started!


CO: Cast on

st: Stitch

K: Knit

P: Purl

RS: Right side of the work

BO: Bind off

This swatch was out of a 50% cotton yarn and 50% polyester blend (lighter than the 100% cotton yarn) #ad

Learn to knit the Scrunchy stitch pattern, great for blankets and scarves, because it doesn't curl. So Woolly.

Using one of my favorite double pointed bamboo needles US 6 size (4 mm) #ad

N.B.: The even rows create the right side of the work.

Scrunchy Stitch knitting pattern

CO multiples of 3 + 2; i.e.: 3 * 5 = 15 + 2 = 17 stitches.

1º, 3º and 5º rows: K2 *P1, K2*. Repeat from * to *, to end.

2º and 4º rows: P2 *K1, P2*. Repeat from * to *, to end.

6º row: P2  *drop the next st off the left-hand needle, let it unravel for four rows, pick up the live st, pass the right-hand needle behind those strands, and knit that st, P2*. Repeat from * to *, to end.

These six rows create the pattern. Repeat them until the desired length is reached. When finished, BO working each stitch as it presents, after a row 6.

Finally, don’t forget to block your work, it will make your stitches look crispy and well defined.

This is the other side of the work:

Reversible knitting pattern that lays flat. So Woolly.

Enjoy the video!

Scrunchy Stitch knitting pattern

Hugs, and happy knitting 😀

Carolina –  So Woolly

PS: If you don’t have a blocking board yet, this is a great option. Take a look! #ad

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