How to knit the Braided Basket stitch pattern
Today, I’m sharing how to knit the beautiful Braided Basket stitch.
It’s a four-row repeat pattern, easy and fun to knit, and pretty similar to the infamous Criss Cross stitch we practiced a while ago.
The main difference is that to knit the Braided Basket stitch, we have to cross the stitches using a “cable needle”; a third needle or a stitch holder will do the job equally well.
None of those tools are essential, so please remain calm and carry on reading 😉
Top tip time, do as I do: Use a bobby pin or a hair clip; the result will be the same, and they are short enough to facilitate your work!
I think it’s a nice pattern to make a central panel on a sweater, or for a hat, or even a blanket (I’d make vertical sections alternating this pattern and the Stockinette stitch, for example).
Finally, if you’re knitting a scarf, a cowl, a blankie, or any sort of garment that should stay flat, don’t forget to add a nice edge, at least at the bottom, because it tends to bend.
Although I didn’t add any edge, I did block my swatch (the pale rose one), and it worked perfectly fine!
By the way, the sky blue swatch was made out of 100% Peruvian super chunky and smooth yarn #ad
Without further ado, grab your needles, and some yarn, and let’s get braiding!
CO: Cast on
st: Stitch
RS: Right side of the work
K: Knit
P: Purl
BO: Bind off
WS: Wrong side of the work
The odd rows form the right side of the work.
The edge (selvage) stitches will be knitted on every odd row and purled on every even row.
How to knit the Braided Basket stitch pattern
CO multiples of 4 + 2 st (edge st); i.e.: 4 * 4 = 16 + 2 = 18 st.
1º row (RS): K1 (edge), K2, *slip 2 st onto a cable needle and hold at back of work, K2 from left-hand needle, K2 form the cable needle*.
Repeat from * to *, to last 3 st, end with K2, K1 (edge).
3º row: K1 (edge), *slip 2 st onto a cable needle and hold at front of work, K2 from left-hand needle, K2 form the cable needle*. Repeat from * to *, to last st, end with K1 (edge).
2º and 4º rows: P across
These four rows create the pattern. Repeat them until the desired length is reached.
When finished, BO purlwise after row 3 (WS).
This is the other side of the work:
Enjoy the video tutorial:
How to knit the Braided Basket stitch
Hugs, and happy knitting 🙂
Carolina – So Woolly
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