Embossed Blocks knitting stitch pattern: Reversible, unisex, and it doesn’t curl
In today’s tutorial, you’ll learn how to knit the Embossed Blocks stitch pattern: Super easy, reversible (although it’s not identical on both sides, the “right” and the “wrong” sides look pretty!).
Furthermore, it’s also a unisex stitch pattern, so it could be used to knit women’s, children’s, and men’s garments, such as scarves, blankies, cushions, cowls…you name it!
And it doesn’t matter if you are just starting to knit: The Embossed Blocks stitch is a 8 row-repeat pattern. Most of those rows are exactly the same, so it’s not difficult to memorize.
The Embossed Blocks knitting pattern is similar to the Little Boxes stitch we practiced some time ago, another reversible pattern that doesn’t curl because of the combination of knits and purls on each row.
Ok, lights, camera, action!
CO: Cast on
st: Stitch
K: Knit
P: Purl
RS: Right side of the work
WS: Wrong side of the work
BO: Bind off
These needles are short, light and perfect for knitting dishcloths, socks, hats, the sleeves of sweaters, and any kind of swatches! Easy to take them with you wherever you go 😉
Embossed Blocks knitting stitch pattern
CO multiples of 6 + 2; i.e.: 6 * 3 = 18 + 2 = 20 stitches.
1º row (RS): *K2, P4*. Repeat from * to * until 2 last st, K2.
2º and every even row: Work each st as it presents (knit the knits, and purl the purls).
3º, 5º and 7º rows: *P2, K4*. Repeat from * to * until 2 last st, P2.
These eight rows form the pattern. Repeat them until the desired length is reached.
When finished, BO working each st as it presents, after a row 1 (WS).
This is the other side of the work:
Enjoy the step by step video tutorial 😉
Embossed Blocks knitting stitch pattern
Thank you for watching, I hope you like it 🙂
And don’t forget to share your swatches, work in progress projects, and of course, knitted garments on Instagram/Facebook and mention me (@sowoolly), so we can all see them!
Hugs, and happy knitting 🙂
Carolina – So Woolly
Searching for more reversible knitting patterns? Please take a look of my whole repertoire:
Reversible knitting stitch patterns
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