Chain stitch knitting pattern
Knitting stitch patterns

Chain stitch: An easy pattern for knitting baby stuff

The Chain stitch is one of those easy knitting patterns, ideal for beginners.

Similar to the Hail stitch, it’s a horizontal pattern, not reversible, but it doesn’t curl.

A four-row repeat stitch, adorable, delicate, great for knitting baby clothing and accessories (hats, cardigans, blankies, mittens, etc).

This is the perfect stitch to practice the easiest decreases and increases that exist in the knitting world, combined with basic knits and purls.

Grab your needles and let’s go!


CO: Cast on

RS: Right side of the work

K: Knit

P: Purl

k2tog: Knit two stitches together (this is the easiest way to decrease one stitch)

kfb: Knit front and back. Knit one stitch as usual, don’t drop it, and knit it again through the back loop (this is the easiest way to increase one stitch).

BO: Bind off

The swatch was knitted using this gorgeous Cashmere yarn #ad

How to knit the Chain stitch pattern, step by step. So Woolly.

And one of my favourite pair bamboo needles (US 6 / 4 mm) #ad

Chain stitch knitting pattern

CO an even number of stitches.

1º row: K across

2º row: K2tog across the row (please note that after this row, you’ll have half of the stitches you started with).

3º row: Kfb across the row (after this row is finished, you’ll have the same amount of stitches you cast on).

4º row: P across

These four rows create the pattern. Repeat them until the desired length is reached.

When finished, BO knitwise, after a row 4.

This is the wrong side of the work:

Easy knitting stitch pattern for beginners: Chain stitch. So Woolly.

How to Knit the Chain Stitch step by step

I hope you like it!

Stay safe, and happy knitting 🙂


Carolina – So Woolly

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