Faux Crochet knitting stitch pattern tutorial
Lace Stitches

How to knit the Faux Crochet stitch (easy lace + video)

The Faux Crochet stitch pattern (“Fake Crochet” in French) is an easy to knit and textured lace stitch; ideal for knitting light Summer garments or for Spring and Autumn layering.

I love it, especially for a wrap or a blouse…

Top tip: The smaller the needles, the better!

First I knitted a swatch (shown on the pics below) using cotton yarn (worsted weight yarn) and 4.5 mm needles (US 7), and yet the holes were still too big… too open for my liking.

So I tried with smaller needles (3.5 mm / US 4), and the result is just perfect. More texture and much better definition : )





CO: Cast on

st: Stitch

K: Knit

P: Purl 

WS: Wrong side

RS: Right side

YO: Yarn over

s2kp2: Slip 2 stitches at once knitwise, knit the next, pass the 2 over.

BO: Bind off.



Faux Crochet knitting stitch pattern


CO multiples of 3 + 5 (i.e.: 3*6=18+5=23 puntos).

1º Row (RS): K every st.

2º Row: P every st.

3º Row: K1, yo, *s2kp2, [yo] twice*. Repeat from * across, ending with s2kp2, yo, K1.

4º Row: P3, *[K1, P1] into the double yarn over, P1. Repeat form the * across, ending with P2.


Repeat these 4 rows until the desired length is reached. BO knitwise after a 4th row.


And don’t forget to block the work to get a flat garment and a defined pattern!



Faux Crochet knitting pattern (super easy lace). So Woolly


This is the wrong side of the work:


How to knit the Faux Crochet stitch pattern (wrong side)



Enjoy the video tutorial:


How to knit the Faux Crochet stitch



Happy knitting,



PS: This another knitting stitch pattern that looks like crochet



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