Learn How to Knit Quickly-Lesson 6: 1×1 Rib stitch
1×1 Rib stitch
The 1×1 Rib is a very stretchy stitch, reversible, ideal for knitting hems, cuffs, necklines, hats, but also men’s scarves and anything that should be elastic: leg warmers, mittens, etc.
It’s the easiest stitch of the ribbing family: To make the 1×1 Rib stitch you just need to alternate knits and purls.
The difference between the Seed stitch (wait to learn the Seed stitch on the next lesson) and the 1×1 Rib stitch, is that you knit the knits, and purl the purls.
The trick to knit the same row all the time, is to cast on an even number of stitches, so you don’t need to think every time how to start a row (very helpful if you are still a beginner and don’t know yet how to read your knitting).
Please watch the video to see how to knit the 1×1 Rib stitch in both knitting styles: Continental and English.
K: Knit
P: Purl
CO: Cast on
How to knit the 1×1 Rib stitch
CO an even number of stitches.
Row 1: *K1, P1*. Repeat from * to * to the end of the row.
Continue knitting this row, until you get the desired size. And that’s it! Ready to practice?
Enjoy the video:
Lesson 6: How to knit the 1×1 Rib stitch
Happy Knitting,