4-row lace stitch
Lace Stitches

How to Knit a 4-row Lace Stitch + video (easy & pretty)

Today, I’m sharing how to knit another pretty 4-row Lace Stitch Pattern.

Honestly, in Summer, I prefer this kind of “easy lace” knitting pattern.

Not only because they are light and airy, but because they look good in linen, bamboo, cotton yarn, or their blends.

So there’s no need for touching wool yarn this time of the year 😉

Furthermore, this 4-row lace stitch is not complicated at all; the repeat is intuitive and easy to memorize.

We’ll use the most common increase and the two most used decrease techniques.

Besides, two of those four rows are plain purl rows.

As easy as pie 🙂

Maybe you’re wondering what to knit with this sort of pattern.

Well, there’s a wide range of projects you could think of, such as seasonal tops, cardigans, and jumpers…

Yet, some accessories are perfect for them: Shawls, scarves, throws or wraps, and even mittens!

A little tip: No matter what your project is, don’t forget to block your work when it’s finished.

If it’s a sweater/cardigan knitted flat, block the pieces before sewing. 

The process of blocking will make your fabric look exceptionally beautiful (look how I did it for my shawl)!

Ok, enough chatting.

Grab your needles, and your favorite fiber, and let’s knit an amazing swatch!

This swatch was made out of a cotton yarn/polyester blend (DK weight) #ad

4-row lace stitch pattern

With my stainless steel needles (pointy and smooth, ideal for fast knitting) #ad

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CO: Cast on

st: Stitch

RS: Right side of the work

K: Knit

P: Purl

yo: Yarn over (simple increase)

ssk: Also known as slip, slip knit (left-leaning simple decrease). 

Slip the first and the second stitches (pass them, one by one, onto the right-hand needle as if to knit), put them back onto the left-hand needle, and knit them together

k2tog: Knit two stitches together (right-leaning simple decrease)

WS: Wrong side of the work

BO: Bind off

Notes Before Starting:

We’ll start with a setup row; this way it’s easier to knit the first row of the pattern.

The odd rows form the right side of the work.

There are two edge or selvage stitches included (the first and the last).

They will be knitted on every odd row and purled on every even row.

How to Knit a 4-row Lace Stitch Pattern (easy & pretty)

CO multiples of 7 + 2 (edge st). For example.: 7 * 2 = 14 + 2 = 16 st.

Setup row: P across

Row 1 (RS): K1 (edge), *K1, k2tog, yo, K1, yo, ssk, K1*. Repeat from * to *, to last st, K1 (edge).

Rows 2 and 4: P across

Row 3: K1 (edge), *k2tog, yo, K3, yo, ssk*. Repeat from * to *, to last st, K1 (edge).

These four rows create the pattern. Repeat them until the desired length is reached.

When finished, BO purlwise after row 3 (WS).

This is the other side of the work:

4-row lace stitch wrong side

Enjoy the step-by-step video tutorial:

How to Knit a 4-row Repeat Lace Stitch

Thank you for watching, and don’t forget to share the love <3

A big hug, and happy knitting!

Carolina – So Woolly

PS: If you want to knit a scarf, shawl, or wrap (or any rectangular or square garment), follow my step-by-step process to know in advance how many stitches to cast on, measurements, and how much yarn you’ll need.

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