How to Be a More Productive Knitter: 10 Great Tips
In this post, I’m sharing 10 great tips to help you be a more productive knitter.
To me, September is like a new start, the beginning of my favorite time of the year.
The long hot days of Summer are the perfect time to get organized, plan, and set systems and goals for the Autumn (or Fall in America).
I know that many of you knit just for fun, but some, knit for charity, gifts, or presents for your loved ones, and for others, it’s an important source of income.
In today’s tutorial, I’m going to give you my best tips to, get organized, and be a more productive knitter.
Let’s get started 🙂
How to be a more productive knitter
Tip #1
Knit no matter how little time you have: We are used to the mantra “I don’t have time”, and the truth is that we decide subconsciously not to have time to do certain things.
In reality, we choose to do something different at the same time. So use your time, on your commute, in the waiting room, watching your favorite series, or even at the end of the day.
It’s better to knit 4 rows than not to knit at all!
To be successful:
Tip #2
Block time on your calendar and use the Pomodoro Method:
For some of us, if it’s not in our calendar, it doesn’t exist. So, time blocking is key.
And to help you out, you can use a Pomodoro App, and set any number of minutes (let’s say 20 minutes), and focus on knitting only.
You can download a free app for your tablet, desktop, or/and cell phone.
Tip # 3
When knitting a big project, break it into smaller tasks:
For example, knitting a sweater (or a blanket) is huge; it’s not a task, a task is something immediately actionable.
So break it down into pieces: The back, the front, the sleeves, the neckband, blocking, seaming, and weaving in the ends.
Which brings me to the next tip…
Tip # 4
Set small goals:
Honestly, I’m not a fan of goals per se, for different reasons, but establishing a system that allows you to take control, is a powerful motivator.
You could give yourself a week to finish one sleeve, two weeks for the back, and so on.
Seeing your progress over time is very rewarding.
Tip #5
Have fun!
Productivity is important, and having fun is another essential ingredient for success.
So, I like to have several projects at different stages, it allows me to choose, according to my available time and preferences on that day, exactly what I most enjoy.
It could be starting the neckline, or just knitting straight before or after the decrease section of a project.
Tip #6
Keep all tools on hand:
Organize your needles by size and your stash by weight or quality.
You can bring this bag anywhere you go!
Tip #7
Before starting a project, knit a gauge swatch:
Think about it: It’s better to take 20 minutes to knit a 4 x 4 in square, and measure it properly, rather than spending 2-3 hours knitting, just to find out that the back of your sweater is 1/3 bigger than the intended size!
Tip #8
Avoid tiny needles and fine yarn:
Unless you’re knitting socks, a special shawl, or gloves!
Choose a yarn and needle size you feel comfortable with, and remember: If you’re knitting with fussy, fancy, or frustrating yarn, the Stockinette stitch is the best option.
Tip #9
Complete your row/round:
Before leaving your knit work, finish the row/round you’re working on. If it’s not possible, at least complete the repeat (what’s between asterisks in the written instructions).
Never leave the knit work before a repeat is complete.
And always write down where you stopped and your next step.
Tip #10
Use markers:
Markers are not only perfect to show us when something different needs to be done (like the beginning of a round, increases, decreases, the change of a stitch pattern, etc.).
They are also useful when you need to cast on many stitches. Let’s say 80 stitches. When casting on, place a marker every 20 stitches, so you don’t need to keep counting!
Enjoy the video tutorial:
How to Be a More Productive Knitter: 10 Great Tips
I hope this helps!
Thank you for watching, and don’t forget to share the <3
Hugs, and happy knitting,
Carolina – So Woolly