Learn how to knit quickly – Lesson 2: Knit stitch or Garter stitch
It’s knitting time, my little Woollies !!!
If you want to start knitting now, it’s important that you master how to cast on stitches … so, if you haven’t practiced yet, go and watch Lesson 1 of “Learn how to knit quickly”: CLICK
Here is a summary of this second lesson:
In today’s lesson, you will learn:
The Knit stitch or Garter stitch and what exactly is entailed in a row.
The Knit stitch or Garter stitch is one of my favourites (there is no doubt about it). Learn this stitch and then you can knit EVERYTHING!
One of its characteristics is that it doesn’t curl or roll, so you do not have to knit anything extra to avoid curling along the sides; the knit stitch or garter stitch create a very “stable” fabric.
Enjoy the video:
Lesson 2: Knit stitch or Garter stitch
Happy knitting,