How to knit the easiest Kitty Cat Hat for Halloween
Knitting Projects step by step

How to Knit the Easiest Kitty Cat Hat + video

Today, I’m sharing how to knit the easiest Kitty Cat Hat knitting pattern, using straight needles, it’s in the new Halloween knitting projects list, that I’ve created on my YouTube channel (click here if you’d like to take a look).

This Kitty Cat Hat pattern comes also in several sizes from 12 months to too many months to mention size 😉 It’s really quick and fun to knit, and the only techniques required are Garter stitch and bind off, so it’s a great project for beginners.

Ok, grab your needles, and let’s get started!


8 US knitting needles  (5 mm).

100 gr of Aran, nº 4 or worsted weight yarn for the adult size.

If you don’t know how to calculate exactly how much yarn you’ll need for knitting any sort of rectangular  project, find out what to do here, step by step!

Scissors, tapestry needle, and measurement tape.


16 stitches and 28 rows knitted in Garter stitch equals 4 x 4 in (10 x 10 cm).

Since the only thing needed is to knit a rectangle, what’s important is to obtain the same stitch count. Don’t worry about the row count; you can always measure it and keep knitting until the height is the same as your size calls for.

If you are getting less stitches per row, please go 1 needle size (or 1 1/2 size) down.

On the contrary, if you are getting more stitches per row, go 1 needle size (or 1 1/2 size) up.

Measurements and sizes for the Kitty Cat Hat

Width measurement should fit the circumference of your or your victims head. 

Important Note: 

If the size you’re looking for happens to be in between two of these sizes, or you’d like to use a different yarn weight multiply the measurement of the head circumference you need by the number of stitches you are getting in your gauge. This will be the number of stitches to cast on.

1-3 years: 18.5 width x 6.3 in height – (47 x 16 cm)

4-10 years: 19.6 width x 7 in height – (50 x 18 cm)

12-16 years: 20.8 width x 7.5 in height – (53 x 19 cm)

Adults: 21.6 width x 8.2 in height – (55 x 21 cm)

How to knit the easiest Kitty Cat Hat for Halloween. So Woolly.


CO: cast on

st: Stitch

K: Knit

BO: Bind off

How to knit the easiest Kitty Cat Hat for Halloween

This pattern is super easy: Knit a rectangle, bind it off, and sew up a couple of stitches to form the kitty’s ears, and you are finished!

The Kitty Cat Hat shown in the pictures, is for adults, and the following instructions are written for that size. The rest of the sizes are shown in parentheses, from the largest to the smallest.

Choose your size, and follow that number.will be the first number. You’ll find the other sizes in parentheses.

CO 80 st (76, 72, 68) using the knitted cast on method (you can use the method of your preference, but that one creates a lovely edge, which is what you’ll see when wearing the hat).

Knit every row until the rectangle measures 8.2 (7.5, 7, 6.3) in, and BO knitwise.

Pussy Kat Hat knitting pattern and tutorial step by step

Now fold the rectangle in half (widthwise), facing the RS (if you used the knitted cast on method, the piece of yarn coming form the cast on edge will be at the left; if you used the long tail method, it will be at the right). 

For joining the hat and forming the ears, please watch the video tutorial:

How to Knit the Easiest Kitty Cat Hat

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial, thank you for watching, and…

Happy Halloween!


Carolina – So Woolly

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