How to knit the Crests stitch knitting pattern So Woolly
Knitting stitch patterns

How to knit the Crests stitch: dense and textured

The Crests stitch is an easier way to learn how to cross stitches, in case you haven’t knitted cables yet. It’s dense and textured, which can be used to knit women’s and men’s clothing and accessories.

A perfect stitch to knit cowls, sweaters and cardigans, bags, cushions, a rectangular shawl or wrap, and so much more!

To cross the stitches you’ll need a cable needle, that can be replaced using a pencil, a hair clip, a third needle, etc…anything you have, to leave a couple of stitches standing.



CO: Cast on

St: Stitch

K: Knit

P: Purl 

WS: Wrong side

RS: Right side

CN: Cable needle

BO: Bind off


Crests stitch knitting pattern


CO multiples of de 3 + 5 (i.e.: 3*6 = 18+5 = 23 stitches).

1º Row: K across

2º, 4º and 6º Rows: P across

3º Row: K1, *slip the next 2 st onto CN and hold in back, K1, K2 from CN. Repeat from * across, ending with K1.

5º Row: K1, *slip the next st onto CN and hold in front, K2, K1 from CN. Repeat from * across, ending with K1.

Repeat these 6 rows until the desired length is reached. BO knitwise after a 6th row.


Dense textured knitting stitches dictionary tutorials


And so looks the wrong side of the work:


Learn how to cross knitting stitches cable needle


Enjoy the video!

Crests stitch: Dense and Textured


Happy knitting,


PS: Looking for more dense knitting stitches? Take a look here!

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