How to knit the Eiffel Tower stitch pattern (so cute!)
Knitting stitch patterns

How to knit the Eiffel Tower stitch pattern (really cute!)

In today’s tutorial, you’ll learn how to knit a super cute pattern: The Eiffel Tower stitch (inspired by the TV show “Emily in Paris”).

Although it’s a sixteen-row repeat pattern, it’s really easy to do; if you can knit and purl, you can do it!

Honestly, I think it’s a great opportunity for beginners: You’ll practice how to count different combinations of knit and purl every eight rows 😉

In fact, the extra techniques required are the yarn over, and purl two stitches together (nothing that we haven’t done before).

Additionally, since the design creates a large pattern, it’s perfect for big projects such as blankets, cushions, placemats, table runners, etc. 

Even a chunky extra-large scarf will look amazing in it.

Nevertheless, if you decide to knit a garment that should stay flat, think of a nice edge, because it tends to bend (especially on the sides).

So, I think that’s everything you need to know before we start.

Grab your needles, and some yarn, and let’s knit a gorgeous swatch!


CO: Cast on

st: Stitch

RS: Right side of the work

K: Knit

P: Purl

yo: Yarn over

p2tog: Purl two stitches together

BO: Bind off

WS: Wrong side of the work


The odd rows form the right side of the work.

The edge (selvage) stitches (the first and the last) will be knitted on every odd row, and purled on every even row.

This swatch was made out of a blend of superfine Alpaca and 100% Peruvian Highland wool yarn (warm and cozy) #ad

How to knit the Eiffel Tower stitch written pattern and video tutorial

With one of my favorite bamboo knitting needles (US 7 – 4 mm), perfect for swatches and small projects #ad

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How to knit the Eiffel Tower stitch pattern

CO multiples of 8 + 2 (edge / selvage st); i.e.: 8 * 3 = 24 + 2 = 26 st.

Row 1 (RS): K1 (edge), P4, *yo, p2tog, P6*. Repeat from * to *, to last 5 st, ending with P4, K1 (edge)

Rows 2, 4, and 6: P1 (edge), K4, *K7, P1*. Repeat from * to *, to last 5 st, ending with K4, P1 (edge)

Rows 3, 5, and 7: K1 (edge), P4, *K1, P7*. Repeat from * to *, to last 5 st, ending with P4, K1 (edge)

Row 8: P across

Row 9: K1 (edge), P4, *P4, yo, p2tog, P2*. Repeat from * to *, to last 5 st, ending with P4, K1 (edge)

Rows 10, 12, and 14: P1 (edge), K4, *K3, P1, K4*. Repeat from * to *, to last 5 st, ending with K4, K1 (edge)

Rows 11, 13, and 15: K1 (edge), P4, *P4, K1, P3*. Repeat from * to *, to last 5 st, ending with P4, K1 (edge)

Row 16: P across.

These sixteen rows create the pattern. Repeat them until the desired length is reached.

When finished, BO working each stitch as it presents after row 7 (or after row 15, it’s up to you) (WS).

This is the other side of the work:

How to knit the Eiffel Tower stitch wrong side of the work

Enjoy the video tutorial:

How to knit the Eiffel Tower stitch

Thank you for watching, and don’t forget to share the love 🙂

Hugs, and happy knitting,

Carolina – So Woolly

PS: If you’d like to knit a scarf, blanket, wrap, infinite cowl, or any other kind of square or rectangular project, and don’t know how many stitches to cast on, the measurements, or how much yarn will be needed, click here and learn my step-by-step system!

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