How to knit Christmas Decorations Mini Stockings 2 sizes
Knitting Projects step by step

How to knit Christmas Decorations: Mini Stockings (2 sizes)

In this post, you’ll learn how to knit more Christmas Decorations; this time, it’s all about Mini Stockings in 2 sizes, with straight needles.

Apart from being quick to knit, this project is pretty easy to do. If you can knit and purl, you can do it.

Actually, I think it’s easier than the Christmas Ball Ornaments we practiced before 😉

Furthermore, the pattern comes in 2 sizes: The Mini Stockings, which are 3 in (7.6 mm) long; and the larger ones, which are 5.5 in (14 mm) long.

Last but not least, take into account that any kind of fiber can be used: Wool or cotton yarn, Alpaca, bamboo, or any of their blends.

The idea is that you use up your stash and create something pretty for you or for your family and friends 😉

To tell the truth, there are no rules! #ChristmasChaos

Combine the colors as desired, make stripes (or not), and have fun!

So, put down the hot chocolate, grab your needles, take a look at your stash, choose your colors, and let’s get started!

Materials for the Christmas Decorations

US 7 (4.5 mm) straight knitting needles #ad

6 gr. (for the mini Stockings) or 16 gr. (for the larger ones) of worsted-weight wool yarn

Scissors + tapestry needle #ad


CO: Cast on

st: Stitch

K: Knit

P: Purl

kfb: Knit one stitch front and back

CA: Color “A”

CB: Color “B”

k2tog: Knit two stitches together

p2tog: Purl two stitches together

RS: Right side of the work

WS: Wrong side of the work

BO: Bind off


The even rows form the right side of the work.

Easy Christmas Decoration free knitting patterns and video tutorials. So Woolly.

How to knit Christmas Decorations: Stockings with straight needles

Mini Stockings (bottom-up construction)

With CA, CO 18 st.

Rows 1 and every odd row (WS): P across

Row 2 : *K1, kfb*. Repeat from * to *, to end. 27 st remain

Row 4: K across

Row 6: K8, k2tog (5 times), K9. 22 st remain

Row 8: K6, k2tog (5 times), K6. 17 st remain

Row 9: P across

Now work 6 rows more in Stockinette stitch, as follows:

Rows 10, 12, and 14: K across

Rows 11, 13, and 15: P across

How to knit the cuff

With CB, work 5 rows in Garter stitch, as follows:

Rows 16 to 20: K across

Row 21: BO knitwise

How to finish the Mini Stocking

Firstly, cut the yarn leaving a 4 in (10 cm) tail, (or enough to sew up the cuff, and leave a loop to hang it on the Christmas tree).

Then, with CB, join both sides of the leg, the sole, and weave in the ends.

And that’s it! Your Mini Stocking is finished 😀

Christmas Decorations knitting pattern: Mini Stockings. So Woolly.

Larger Stockings (bottom-up construction)

With CA, CO 36 st.

Rows 1 and every odd row (WS): P across

Row 2 : *K1, kfb*. Repeat from * to *, to end. 54 st remain

Rows 4 and 6: K across

Row 8: K21, k2tog (6 times), K21. 48 st remain

Row 10: K18, k2tog (6 times), K18. 42 st remain

Row 12: K18, k2tog (3 times), K18. 39 st remain

Row 14: K16, k2tog (3 times), K17. 36 st remain

Row 16: K15, k2tog (3 times), K15. 33 st remain

Row 18: K14, k2tog (3 times), K13. 30 st remain

Row 19: P across

Now work 6 rows more in Stockinette stitch, as follows:

Rows 20, 22, and 24: K across

Rows 21, 23, and 25: P across

How to make the stripes

With CB, work 4 rows in Stockinette stitch:

26 and 28: K across

27 and 29: P across

With CA, work 4 rows in Stockinette stitch:

30 and 32: K across

31 and 33: P across

How to knit the cuff

With CA, work 7 rows in Garter stitch, as follows:

Rows 34 to 40: K across

Row 41 (WS): BO knitwise

How to finish the Stocking

Firstly, cut the yarn leaving a 12 in (30 cm) tail, (or enough to sew up the cuff, the leg, and the sole, including the loop to hang it on the Christmas tree).

Now, join both sides and weave in the ends.


How to knit Christmas Decorations: Mini Stockings with straight needles. So Woolly.

Enjoy the video tutorial:

How to knit Christmas Decorations: Mini Stockings

Thank you for watching!

Hugs, and happy knitting 🙂

Carolina – So Woolly

PS: Searching for more Christmas ornaments? Click here!

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