Chinese waves knitting stitch pattern
Knitting stitch patterns

Chinese Waves knitting stitch pattern

A textured, and different stitch knitting pattern. The Chinese Waves stitch is ideal for knitting maxi scarves and cowls for anybody. Very easy to make, all you have to do is knit in two of the four rows.

It is not reversible or double-faced, but it does not curl…so it’s worth it.

 Knitting stitch pattern for scarves and cowls

Chinese Waves knitting stitch pattern


Cast on an odd number of stitches.

1º Row (Right side of the work): Knit

2º Row (Wrong side of the work): Knit 1, *slip 1 as if to purl, knit 1*. Repeat from * to * until the end of the row.

3º Row: Knit

4º Row: Knit 2, *slip 1 as if to purl, knit 1*. Repeat from * to * until the end of the row.

These four rows form the knitting stitch pattern.

Enjoy the video:

Chinese Waves knitting stitch pattern


Happy knitting,


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