How to knit a super easy lace stitch for beginners -2 colors
How to knit a super easy lace stitch for beginners
Lace Stitches

How to knit a super easy lace stitch for beginners (two colors)

In this post, you’ll learn how to knit a four-row repeat lace stitch pattern, perfect for beginners (if you only know the knit stitch, you can do it!).

Actually, it’s probably one of the easiest eyelet patterns I’ve shared so far; the only difference is that today, we’re adding a second color: The first three rows are plain knit rows; the last row includes a short repeat (only two steps, yarn over and knit two stitches together).

Besides, we don’t have to purl! YEP!

This two-color lace stitch is a great option for a Summer project such as a seasonal top, a sweater, or a cardigan, but it also worked for a shawl.

Moreover, choose two colors or many more; for example, create a gradient of many colors and knit a beautiful throw…

In other words, let your creativity take over 🙂

Finally, don’t forget to block your work once it’s finished #ad

Blocking your projects is a simple process, and it will give them a more professional look:

Crispy stitches, a well-defined pattern, and a flat fabric.

Too many advantages to ignore it!

So, grab your needles, and a bit of yarn, and let’s get started.


CO: Cast on

st: Stitch

RS: Right side of the work

K: Knit

yo: Yarn over

k2tog: Knit two stitches together

BO: Bind off

WS: Wrong side of the work


The odd rows form the right side of the work.

The first color used to cast on is referred as color “A”; the second color is referred as color “B”.

How to knit a super easy lace stitch in two colors, ideal for beginners. So Woolly.

How to knit a two-color lace stitch 

With color “A” CO an odd number of stitches.

Rows 1 and 2: With color “A”, K across

Row 3: With color “B”, K across

Row 4: With color “B”, K1, *yo, k2tog*. Repeat from * to * to end.

These four rows create the pattern. Repeat them until the desired length is reached.

When finished, BO knitwise with color “A” after row 1 (WS).

This is the other side of the work:

How to knit a super easy lace stitch in two colors (wrong side). So Woolly.

Enjoy the video tutorial:

How to knit a super easy two-color lace stitch

Thank you for watching, and don’t forget to share the love 😉

Hugs, and happy knitting!

Carolina – So Woolly

PS: Searching for more super easy lace stitch patterns? Click here!

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