How to knit the Two-Color Brioche stitch (scarf pattern)
How to knit the two color Brioche stitch (scarf pattern)
Knitting Projects step by step

How to knit the Two-Color Brioche stitch (scarf pattern)

The Two-Color Brioche stitch is a great pattern for a scarf or an infinite cowl (the pattern is suitable for both projects).


First of all, because it’s fluffy, chunky, and stretchy, like me.

Secondly, although we’ll be using two colors, the join is invisible, yes… invisible!

Thirdly, it’s a four-row reversible pattern, identical on both sides.

However, the main color will change, depending on the side you’re looking at.

Make it for yourself or for your other half, combine the colors as you prefer, and you’ll always have a new design with not too much effort 😉

Last, but not least, if you haven’t tried the Brioche stitch at all yet, not even the one-color pattern, start here 😉

Materials for the Scarf

280 gr. of worsted weight wool yarn (nº4, or medium), distributed as follows:

140 gr. in the main color or color “A” (in my scarf it’s off-white)

140 gr. (same brand and quality) in the secondary color or color “B”

If you want 2 secondary colors, as I did (dark gray and ocean blue), you’d need 70 gr. in blue, and 70 gr. in gray.

Although we won’t be knitting in the round, we’ll need US 10 (6 mm circular) or double-pointed needles #ad

Tapestry needle


Rule or measurement tape

This helpful kit has all the tools we normally use for a project #ad

How to knit a Scarf in Two-Color Brioche stitch pattern. So Woolly.

Measurements of the finished piece

Wide: 8 3/4 in – 22 cm 

Length: 70 in -180 cm (if you’re making an infinite cowl, it shouldn’t be shorter than that).


CO: Cast on

st: Stitch

K: Knit

P: Purl

p2tog: Purl two stitches together

k2tog: Knit two stitches together

sl1kw: Slip one stitch knitwise (as if to knit)

sl1pw: Slip one stitch purlwise (as if to purl)

Slsts: Slip all the stitches to the other tip

turn: Turn the work as usual

wyif: With yarn in front

yib: Bring the yarn to the back

passo: Pass the stitch over

BO: Bind off

Two-Color Brioche stitch knitting pattern and video tutorial. So Woolly.


Knit a swatch first, because it takes time to get your eyes used to the stitch and its pair.

Cast on at least 11 stitches and practice the pattern working not fewer than 12 rows (repeat the pattern at least 3 times).

We’ll start knitting a setup row, which will be made once (it won’t be repeated again).

Two-Color Brioche knitting stitch pattern

With color “A”, CO 29 st.

Setup row

With Color “B”, sl1kw, *K1, wyif sl1pw*. Repeat from * to *, to last 2 st, K2. Slsts.

Row 1: With color “A”, wyif sl1pw, *wyif sl1pw, yib, wyif p2tog*. Repeat from * to *, to last 2 st, wyif sl1pw, yib P1. Turn.

Row 2: With color “B”,  wyif sl1pw, p2tog, *wyif sl1pw, yib, wyif p2tog*. Repeat from * to *, to last 3 st, wyif sl1pw, p2tog, P1. Don’t turn. Slsts.

Row 3: With color “A”: sl1kw, *wyif sl1pw, k2tog*. Repeat from * to *, to last 2 st, wyif sl1pw, K1. Turn.

Row 4: With color “B”: sl1kw, *k2tog, wyif sl1pw*. Repeat from * to *, to last 3 st, k2tog, K1. Don’t turn. Slsts and start from row 1.

These last four rows create the pattern. Repeat them until the desired length is reached.

If you are going to work the second half of the scarf using another secondary color as I did, once you’ve knitted 35 in – 90 cm, change color and start row 1 again. 

How to bind off the Two-Color Brioche stitch 

BO as follows, after row 4:

K1, *K1, passo, k2tog, passo*. Repeat from * to *, to last 2 st, K1, passo, K1 passo.

Enjoy the video tutorial:

How to knit the Two-Color Brioche stitch

I hope you like it!

Hugs, and happy brioching 🙂

Carolina – So Woolly

PS: If your project is an infinite cowl, click here to see how to join it!

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