The Fuchsia Flower stitch: Cable stitch lesson 1
In today’s tutorial, you’ll learn a new knitting technique using this special pattern: The Fuchsia Flower stitch.
Easy to knit, reversible (identical on both sides), it has a great texture to it, and a perfect stitch to knit the sleeves of a chunky cardigan!
One of the advantages that I really enjoy of this stitch is that from the 10 rows that form the pattern, most of them include the same steps (the even rows are equal, and the odds rows are almost always equal).
And the cable technique is required only in row 9… this makes this stitch easy to memorize, light and fun to knit.
There is something extra you will need (in addition to a nice pair of sharp tip knitting needles):
A cable needle, a third needle, a hairpin, a stitch holder, or any other tool that can be used as an auxiliary needle.
If you haven’t knitted cables yet, this is the perfect opportunity to start!
CO: Cast on
st: Stitch
K: Knit
P: Purl
cn: cable needle,
hairpin, or a third needle)
BO: Bind off
The Fuchsia Flower stitch
CO multiples of 8 + 4; i.e.: 8 * 2 = 16 + 4 = 20 stitches.
1º, 3º, and 5º rows: P2, *K2, P4, K2*. Repeat from* to *, ending with P2.
2º and every even row: K2, *P2, K4, P2*. Repeat from* to *, ending with K2.
7º row: K across
9º row: P2, *Slip the next 2 sts onto cn and hold in back, K2, P2 (from cn), slip the next 2 sts onto cn and hold in front, P2, K2 (from cn)*. Repeat from* to *, ending with P2.
10º: as row 2
These 10 rows create the pattern. Repeat them until the desired length is reached.
When finished, BO in pattern after a row 8 (working every st as it presents).
This is the other side of the work:
Enjoy the video:
I hope you make a swatch and practice because you are going to need to know this technique for our next project ;D
Hugs and happy knitting,
Carolina – So Woolly