Textured Eyelets Lace knitting for beginners
Lace Stitches

Textured Eyelets: Lace for beginners

A very cute stitch that combines lace and texture, for everyone, including knitters who may have been slightly scared by that four letter word… lace. 

All you need to know is how to knit and how to purl…the rest will be explained, step by step on the video tutorial.

The textured eyelets stitch pattern isn’t reversible, but it doesn’t roll, so it can be used to knit cowls, vests, summer sweaters, jackets, wraps or shawls….you name it!


CO: Cast on

RS: Right side

WS: Wrong side

sts: Stitches

k: Knit

p: Purl

yo: Yarn over

s2kp2: Slip 2 stitches at once, knitwise, knit the next, pass the 2 over.

Knitting tutorial for beginners Textured Eyelets

How to knit Textured Eyelets stitch pattern

CO multiples of 4 + 1 (i.e.: 8 + 1; 12 + 1; 16 + 1; 20 + 1…).

The swatch on the pics has 25 stitches (4 * 6 = 24 + 1 = 25).

Rows 1 and 3: *K1, p3*. Repeat from * to * ending with K1.

Row 2 and all WS rows: Purl across.

Row 5: *K1, yo, s2kp2, yo*. Repeat from * to * ending with K1.

Row 6: Purl across.

These 6 rows create the pattern, repeat them until you get to the desired length.

That’s how the wrong side of the work looks like:

How to knit lace for beginners step by step so woolly

Enjoy the video tutorial:

Textured Eyelets: Lace knitting for beginners

Happy knitting,


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