Chevron Stitch Knitting Pattern
Knitting stitch patterns

How to Knit a 2-row repeat Chevron Stitch + Video

Today, you’ll learn how to knit and bind off a lovely 2-row repeat Chevron stitch pattern.

You may be wondering why another Chevron stitch.

Well, the answer is simple:

After sharing the last one, I received many requests…

And the most frequent were:

First, what to do to knit that Chevron stitch without the lace parts (some knitters prefer a dense fabric since they love to knit blankets using this pattern).

Second, what to do to finish (bind-off or cast-off) the same way we started (with picks and throughs).

Third, some of my followers asked me to explain what to do with so many ends in different colors (how to weave in the ends).

So, I’m happy to say that in this tutorial, I’ll be covering the first two of those requests.

If you still want me to post a tutorial showing how to weave in the ends, please let me know in the comments (in the video further down).

However, before knitting our swatch, I’d like to mention the following:

If you don’t add a nice edge for example, in Garter stitch, this pattern curls.

It doesn’t mean you’ve done anything wrong!

At the end of the day, it’s more or less a piece in Stockinette stitch, and it doesn’t stay flat.

I didn’t add any edges this time, so I blocked my swatch (made out of 100% Peruvian Highland wool yarn, worsted weight, and easy to work with) #ad

Chevron Stitch Knitting Pattern no lace

Using my pointy bamboo needles (super smooth, US 8 – 5 mm) #ad

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And it worked out beautifully!

Ok, enough chatting.

Grab your needles, and your favorite fiber, and let’s knit together 🙂


CO: Cast on

st: Stitch

RS: Right side of the work

K: Knit

P: Purl

kfb: Knit front and back (simple increase)

Knit into the stitch through the front loop, don’t drop it, and then, knit into the same stitch through the back loop 

yo: Yarn over (simple increase)

ssk: Also known as slip, slip, knit (left-leaning simple decrease)

Slip the first and the second stitches (pass them, one by one, onto the right-hand needle as if to knit), put them back onto the left-hand needle, and knit them together

k2tog: Knit two stitches together (right-leaning simple decrease)

WS: Wrong side of the work

BO: Bind off

Notes Before Starting:

The even rows form the right side of the work.

There are two edge or selvage stitches included (the first and the last).

They will be knitted on every odd row and purled on every even row.

How to Knit a 2-row Chevron Stitch

For symmetry, CO multiples of 14 + 2 (edge st). For example.: 14 * 2 = 28 + 2 = 30 st.

1º and every odd row (WS):  P across

2º and every even row (RS): K1 (edge), kfb, K4, ssk, k2tog, K4, *kfb (twice), K4, ssk, k2tog, K4*. Repeat from * to *, to last 2 st, ending with kfb, K1 (edge).

These two rows create the pattern. Repeat them until the desired length is reached.

To finish the same way you started (with picks and troughs), BO purlwise after row 2 (WS).

The fabric will do the magic for you 😉

This is the other side of the work:

Chevron Stitch Pattern wrong side

Enjoy the step-by-step video tutorial:

How to Knit a 2-row repeat Chevron Stitch (No Lace)

Thank you for watching, and don’t forget to share the love <3

A big hug, and happy knitting!

Carolina – So Woolly

PS: Looking for a Chevron Stitch Pattern that doesn’t curl? Take a look!

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