How to knit the Pique Rib stitch 2
Knitting stitch patterns

How to knit the Pique Rib stitch 2 (pay attention to your tension)

Today, I’m sharing how to knit the Pique Rib stitch 2; a four-row repeat pattern, super easy to do, and it doesn’t curl.

In fact, it’s another lovely knit and purl stitch pattern, perfect for beginners.

Although it shares the same DNA as the Pique Rib stitch we practiced a while ago, it’s less detailed… let’s say it’s a little less busy 😉

So it’s a nice option for a sweater or cardigan, for example.

Having said that, it’s also a great pattern for a blanket, a scarf, a hat, or even a cushion, table mats, or table runners… it’s up to you!

Besides, it’s not a reversible stitch, yet the so-called “wrong side” of the work looks good too (more than a classic rib stitch), so it would work for a scarf or an infinite cowl.

Finally, the Pique Rib stitch #2 works equally fine with wool or cotton yarns; use either of them or blends, and the pattern will shine 🙂

Nevertheless, for optimum results, pay attention to your tension…

Pay attention to your tension

In this tutorial, I’ll show you what to do to obtain crispy stitches (and I’m not talking about blocking).

So, without further ado, grab your needles and some yarn, and let’s get started!


CO: Cast on

RS: Right side of the work

st: Stitch

K: Knit

P: Purl

BO: Bind off

This swatch was knitted using 100% Egyptian mercerized cotton yarn (soft, a little bit shiny, and extremely durable) #ad

Pique Rib stitch 2 knitting pattern and video tutorial. So Woolly.

Using one of my favorite bamboo needles US 7 / 4.5 mm (sharp tip, great for lace) #ad


The odd rows form the right side of the work.

The first and the last are edge (selvage) stitches and will be knitted on each row.

How to knit the Pique Rib stitch 2

For symmetry CO multiples of 5 + 2 + 2 (edge st); i.e.: 5 * 3 = 15 + 2 = 17 + 2 = 19 st.

1º and 3º rows (RS): K1 (edge), *K2, P3*. Repeat from * to *, to last 3 st, ending the row with K2, K1 (edge)

2º row: K1 (edge), *P2, K3*. Repeat from * to *, to last 3 st, ending the row with P2, K1 (edge)

4º row: K across

These four rows create the pattern. Repeat them until the desired length is reached.

When finished, BO working each stitch as it presents, after row 2 (RS).

This is the wrong side of the work:

Pique Rib stitch 2, a four-row repeat pattern ideal for beginners. So Woolly.

Enjoy the video tutorial:

Pique Rib stitch 2 knitting pattern

I hope you like it 😉

Hugs and happy knitting.


Carolina – So Woolly

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