How to knit Subtle Stripes in Garter stitch for beginners
Knitting stitch patterns

How to knit Subtle Stripes in Garter stitch (one row only)

Today, I’m sharing how to knit Subtle Stripes in Garter stitch, a super easy knitting pattern, perfect for beginners.


The reasons vary:

First of all, it’s a one-row repeat pattern.

It involves only two steps that will be repeated throughout the project, so it’s pretty easy to memorize.

Secondly, it lays flat no matter what (as we knitters like).

Thirdly, it’s reversible (identical on both sides); ideal for scarves, rectangular shawls, infinite cowls, blankets, and a wide range of projects.

Although it looks like the Ribbed Garter stitch we practiced a while ago, I have to say that these stripes are more tenuous, more delicate.

Last but not least, the Subtle Stripes in Garter stitch could be an alternative, when we want to use our beloved Garter stitch, but with a twist… sometimes, a nice little touch can make the difference 😉

So, grab your needles, and some yarn, and let’s get busy!


CO: Cast on

st: Stitch

P: Purl

K: Knit

RS: Right side of the work

Use 100% cotton yarn…

Subtle Stripes in Garter stitch knitting pattern (reversible). So Woolly.

Or a super soft Merino wool yarn (nothing hairy) to let those stripes stand out! #ad

Subtle Stripes in Garter stitch

CO multiples of 6 + 3; i.e.: 6 * 3 = 18 + 3 = 21 st (no selvage st are included).

1º and every row (RS): *P3, K3*. Repeat from * to *, to last 3 st, P3.

This row will be repeated until the desired length is reached.

When finished, BO working each stitch as if we were starting a new row: *BO 3 st purlwise, and 3 st knitwise*. Repeat from * to *, to last 3 st, BO 3 st purlwise.

This is the other side of the work:

Subtle Stripes in Garter stitch knitting pattern and video tutorial. So Woolly.

Enjoy the video tutorial (explained in both, English and Continental style):

How to knit Subtle Stripes in Garter stitch

I hope you like it!

Hugs, and happy knitting 🙂


Carolina –  So Woolly

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