Easy Knit and Purl Stitch Pattern for Scarves + video
Today, you’ll learn an easy knit and purl stitch perfect for scarves; absolutely beginner-friendly.
After my last tutorial, another nice lady, follower from my YouTube channel, sent it to me, and I realized, once again, how easy pretty stitch patterns can be 😉
Actually, it’s not only great for scarves; this is a great pattern for blankets, throws, and rectangular shawls.
Furthermore, it’ll also work beautifully for baby clothing and accessories.
It reminds me of this anti and purl version of the Double Garter Stitch we practiced a while ago.
First, both sides are almost identical, so it’s one of those reversible patterns we knitters love.
Second, it lays flat no matter the fiber/needles you use; it doesn’t bend nor curl!
So there’s no need to think of adding borders or edges, when knitting an infinite cowl, for example.
Finally, the only techniques required are the knit + purl stitches.
This is why it’s a great pattern for knitting and relax while watching your favorite show.
Ok, it’s time to knit a lovely swatch!
Grab your needles and some yarn, and let’s get busy 🙂
CO: Cast on
st: Stitch
RS: Right side of the work
K: Knit
P: Purl
BO: Bind off
WS: Wrong side of the work
The odd rows form the right side of the work.
There are no selvage (edge) stitches included.
If you like to have them, add them to your calculation.
Easy Knit and Purl Stitch (reversible and lays flat)
For symmetry, CO an odd number of stitches.
1º and 4º rows (RS): *K1, P1*. Repeat to last st, ending with K1
2º, 3º, 5º and 6º rows: K across.
These six rows create the pattern. Repeat them until the desired length is reached.
When finished, bind off knitwise after row 5 (RS).
This is the other side of the work:
Enjoy the video tutorial:
Easy Knit and Purl Stitch Perfect for Scarves and Blankets
Thank you for watching 🙂
A big hug, and happy knitting!
Carolina – So Woolly
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