How to control the tension in your knitting
Knitting stitch patterns

Double Moss stitch and how to control the tension in your knitting

In this tutorial, you’ll learn another classic in the knitting world: The Double Moss stitch, its great for beginners.

Sure, it’ll sound familiar for all of us veterans, but I’ve noticed that it’s often mistaken for the Irish Moss stitch.

Although at first sight they may seem the same, the main difference is that the term “double” refers to working the stitches in pairs (knit 2, purl 2 and vice versa).

On the contrary, when knitting the Irish Moss pattern, the stitches are worked one by one (knit 1, purl 1 and vice versa).

So I decided to demonstrate it both in English and Continental style, yes, yes I know, I am spoiling you… again.

Additionally, the Double Moss stitch has everything we knitters love in a pattern:

First of all, it has a lovely texture to it, it’s reversible (both sides look identical) and unisex.

Therefore, it’s ideal for scarves, cowls, sweaters, blankets, hats, beanies, baby clothes, and many other projects (for girls and boys of all ages)…

Secondly, it’s super easy to do (it doesn’t matter if you are just starting to knit). The only techniques required are knitting and purling. 

Besides, it doesn’t curl. Your fabric will stay flat no matter what!

Needless to say if you want to add an edge or border, there’s no problem at all, but it’s about personal choice, its not strictly necessary.

Finally, it’s a four-row repeat pattern, so you’ll be able to memorize it without any difficulties.

To make this tutorial more complete, I’m sharing a top tip to help you control the tension in your knitting, to get a pretty defined pattern (we don’t want loose loops in such an adorable fabric).

How to knit the Double Moss stitch, step by step (English and Continental style). So Woolly.


CO: Cast on

st: Stitch

RS: Right side of the work

K: Knit

P: Purl

BO: Bind off

Double Moss stitch knitting pattern

CO multiples of 4 + 2; i.e.: 4 * 3 = 12 + 2 = 14 st.

1º and 4º rows (RS): K2, *P2, K2*. Repeat from * to *, to end.

2º and 3º rows: P2, *K2, P2*. Repeat from * to *, to end.

These four rows form the pattern. Repeat them until the desired length is reached.

When finished, BO working each stitch as it presents, after a row 4.

This is the other side of the work:

Reversible knitting stitch patterns that don't curl. Online Knitting stitches Dictionary. So Woolly.

Just click here to watch the video tutorial


Hugs, and happy knitting, just say no to loose loops 🙂


Carolina – So Woolly

PS: Searching for more reversible knitting patterns? Click here to see the whole repertoire!

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