Variegated Popcorn stitch
Knitting stitch patterns

Popcorn stitch (Part 2 of the series Knitting Patterns for Variegated Yarns)

In today’s tutorial, part 2 of the series “Knitting patterns for variegated yarns”, you’ll learn how to knit the Popcorn stitch (If you missed the first tutorial, just click here).

The Variegated Popcorn stitch isn’t reversible, and it tends to roll up on the sides, so, if you are knitting a piece that should stay flat, my suggestion is to make a nice edge on each side, to avoid the curling.

Its tactile, a bumpy and cute texture, makes it perfect for knitting children’s garments, but also blankets, cowls and scarves.

It’s a four-row repeat pattern, easy and fun to knit, so it’s worth to try 😀

It’s knitting time!


CO: Cast on

RS: Right side of the work

st: Stitch

K: Knit

tbl: through back loop

P: Purl

Popcorn: Knit 3 stitches, knit the next stitch, put it back onto the left-hand needle and knit it again tbl (4 times).

BO: Bind off

For this swatch I used a beautiful cotton yarn, thick, soft, and colorful, perfect for this kind of stitches.

Variegated Popcorn knitting stitch pattern and video tutorial. So Woolly.

And a lovely pair of needles with a sharp tip!

Variegated Popcorn stitch

CO multiples of 4 + 1 + 2 (edge stitches);

i.e.: 4 * 5 = 20 + 1 + 2 = 23 stitches.

1º row (RS): K1, *K3, make a Popcorn*. Repeat from * to *, to last 2 st, K2

2º and 4º rows: K1, *Purl across*, K1

4º row: K1, *Make a Popcorn, K3*. Repeat from * to *, to last 2 st, make a Popcorn, K1

These four rows form the pattern. Repeat them until the desired length is reached. When finished, BO knitwise, after a row 4 or after a row 2.

This is the other side of the work:

Knitting patterns and tutorials for variegated yarns, step by step. So Woolly.

Enjoy the video tutorial:

Variegated Popcorn stitch

I hope you like it, and don’t miss the third part of the series!

Stay at home, enjoy the peace and quiet, and happy knitting!


Carolina – So Woolly

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