Learn How to Knit Quickly – Lesson 8: 2×2 Rib stitch
Such as the 1×1 Rib stitch that we learned last week, the 2×2 Rib stitch forms vertical stripes: One column of knits (they look like a series of “v”’s), next to another column of purls (a vertical stripe of little bumps). It is reversible, as it always lies flat To knit the 2×2 Ribbing, we have to alternate 2 knit stitches and 2 purl stitches every time (always knitting the knits and purling the purls), meaning, we knit what we see: when you see the bump, you purl; when you see the “v”, you knit. and to get the pattern in one row only, so that you can repeat it…