How to knit the Dot stitch easy cute and it doesn't curl
Knitting stitch patterns

How to Knit the Dot Stitch: Easy + doesn’t curl!

Today, you’ll learn to knit the Dot stitch. A cute four-row repeat pattern, that doesn’t curl. It’s ideal for beginners, since the only techniques involved are knit and purl (no increases/decreases needed). Yaaay!

The Dot stitch knitting pattern is similar yet simpler than the Sand stitch we learned sometime ago. It has a delicate texture to it, and it’s perfect for knitting baby clothes and accessories, blankets, and women’s sweaters or cardigans.


CO: Cast on

RS: Right side of the work

K: Knit

P: Purl

BO: Bind off

Dot stitch knitting pattern and video tutorial step by step


The odd rows form the right side of the pattern.

How to knit the Dot stitch (back and forth)

CO multiples of 4 plus 3; i.e.: 4 * 3 = 12 + 3 = 15 stitches.

1Âş row (RS): K1, *P1, K3*. Repeat from * to *, until last 2 st, P1, K1

2Âş and 4Âş rows: P across

3Âş row: *K3, P1*. Repeat from * to *, until last 3 st, K3.

These four rows create the pattern. Repeat them until the desired length is reached. When finished, BO purlwise after a row 1 or 3.

The Dot stitch isn’t a reversible pattern, but it has a interesting texture to it on the wrong side of the work:

Easy knitting patterns for beginners step by step

Enjoy the video tutorial:

How to Knit the Dot Stitch

How to Knit this Pattern in the Round

CO multiples of 4; i.e.: 4 * 3 = 12 stitches.

1Âş round: *P1, K3*. Repeat from * to *.

2Âş and 4Âş rounds: K across

3Âş round: *K3, P1*. Repeat from * to *.

Thank you for watching 🙂 Hugs and happy knitting! 


Carolina – So Woolly

PS: Looking for more thick stitch patterns? Click here to see the whole list!

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