How to knit the famous Cat's Pow Eyelets stitch (easy lace)
How to knit the Cat's Pow Eyelets stitch pattern
Lace Stitches

How to knit the famous Cat’s Paw Eyelets stitch

Today, I’m sharing how to knit a lovely lace pattern, the famous Cat’s Paw Eyelets stitch.


Honestly, I’m convinced that it’s a good introduction to larger motifs, like the leaf patterns, which I’d like to share in the near future.

Although the Cat’s Paw Eyelets stitch is a twelve-row repeat design, it’s easy to do (the even rows are plain purl rows, and some odd rows are repeated across the pattern.

We’ll be using two common decreases: The typical right-leaning decrease (knitting two stitches together), and a simple left-leaning decrease, different than the ssk (slip, slip, knit).

Apart form that, there are no complicated steps, just yarn over, and knit and purl stitches.

Furthermore, it’s a pretty versatile pattern; you can use it for a wide range of projects, from arm and leg warmers, to blankets, shawls, sweaters, tops, and cardigans.

Actually, years ago I made a short sleeve sweater using Alpaca yarn, and it looks lovely 😉

How to knit the Cat's Pow Eyelets stitch pattern, step by step. So Woolly.

Last but not least, for a better result, I have a couple of tips for you:

First, don’t forget to use pointy needles, they’ ll save you time, effort and maybe, some tears… #ad

Second, please block your project once it’s finished, unless you’re knitting a 4-5 pieces (I mean a sweater/cardigan). 

In that case, block the pieces before joining them.

This blocking board with pins will help you complete the task successfully #ad

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Ok, enough chatting!

Grab your needles and some yarn, and let’s get lacy!


CO: Cast on

st: Stitch

RS: Right side

K: Knit

P: Purl

sd: Simple decrease. Slip one stitch as if to knit, knit the next, and pass the slipped stitch over (left-leaning decrease)

k2tog: Knit two stitches together (right-leaning decrease)

yo: Yarn over

WS: Wrong side

BO: Bind off


The odd rows form the right side of the work.

The edge (selvage) stitches will be knitted on every odd row, and purled on every even row.

How to knit the Cat's Pow Eyelets stitch (pattern and video tutorial). So Woolly.

How to knit the Cat’s Paw Eyelets stitch pattern

CO multiples of 12 + 2 (edge or selvage stitches); i.e.: 12 * 2 = 24 + 2 = 26 st.

Rows 1 and 5 (RS): K1 (edge), *K1, yo, sd, K7, k2tog, yo*. Repeat from * to *, to last st, K1 (edge)

Row 2 and every even row: P across

Row 3: K1 (edge), *K2, yo, sd, K5, k2tog, yo, K1*. Repeat from * to *, to last st, K1 (edge)

Rows 7 and 11: K1 (edge), *K4, k2tog, yo, K1, yo, sd, K3*. Repeat from * to *, to last st, K1 (edge)

Row 9: K1 (edge), *K3, k2tog, yo, K3, yo, sd, K2*. Repeat from * to *, to last st, K1 (edge)

Row 12: P across

These twelve rows create the pattern. Repeat them until the desired length is reached.

When finished, BO purlwise, after row 11 (WS).

This is the other side of the work:

How to knit the Cat's Pow Eyelets stitch (wrong side of the work). So Woolly.

Enjoy the video tutorial:

How to knit the Cat’s Paw Eyelets stitch

Thank you for watching 🙂

Hugs, and happy knitting,

Carolina – So Woolly

PS: If you want to learn how to knit the picot edge shown on my sweater, click here!

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