How to knit the Witch’s Ladder stitch (one-row repeat)
How to knit the Witche's Ladder stitch in one row
Lace Stitches

How to knit the Witch’s Ladder stitch (one-row repeat)

Today, you’ll learn how to knit the Witch’s Ladder stitch: A one-row repeat pattern, super easy to knit.

If you’re still intimidated by lace stitches, I suggest you try this one, because it only takes two simple steps.

Actually, the only two techniques used are: yarn over, and knit two stitches together (the easiest decrease there is).

As I have mentioned in other tutorials, there is a difference between openwork patterns and lace stitches.

In the first case, the even rows are purled, and the decreases and increases that form the pattern are made on the odd rows.

However, when we knit the so-called Lace Stitches, we work decreases and increases on all rows.

And since this is a one-row repeat pattern, then we are facing a proper Lace pattern (they are the oldest in existence, even older than me).

Furthermore, the Witch’s Ladder stitch is reversible! Yay!

Both sides are identical, so you can use it to knit a scarf, a rectangular or triangular shawl, a top, a sweater, or a cardigan.

The truth is that it is a very versatile pattern: Use wool (in any of its blends), for Autumn-Winter garments.

Or use cotton or linen, or their blends, for Spring-Summer pieces.

 Last but not least, I’d like to remind you:

My favorite tips to be successful when knitting lace patterns

First of all, everything will go smoothly if you use sharp-tipped needles (they will ease the decreases, saving you time and effort) #ad

Finally, to get a professional result (a plain fabric, without wrinkles, and crispy stitches), don’t forget to block your garment.

If you are knitting a sweater, I suggest you block the pieces before joining them. 

This blocking board and the pins will be your best friends 😉 #ad

Ok, grab your needles and a little bit of yarn, and let’s get busy… my little witches! 


CO: Cast on

st: Stitch

K: Knit

yo: Yarn over

k2tog: Knit two stitches together

RS: Right side of the work

BO: Bind off

How to knit the Witch's Ladder stitch (a one-row repeat lace pattern). So Woolly.

The Witch’s Ladder knitting stitch pattern

CO an even number of st (it’ll include 2 edge st, the first and the last, that will be knitted on each row).

1º and every row: K1, *yo, k2tog*. Repeat from * to *, to last st, K1.

This row creates the pattern. Repeat it until the desired length is reached. When finished, BO knitwise.

This is the other side of the work:

The Witch's Ladder knit stitch is a reversible lace pattern, ideal for beginners. So Woolly.

Enjoy the video tutorial:

How to knit the Witch’s Ladder stitch (one row repeat)

Thank you for watching, and don’t forget to share the love!

Hugs, and happy knitting 🙂

Carolina – So Woolly

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