Easy lace knitting pattern (four-row repeat)
Lace Stitches

How to knit an easy lace stitch pattern in four rows

Today you’ll learn how to knit an easy lace stitch pattern in four rows and a couple of steps that will be repeated time and time again.

This lace stitch is great for knitting many kinds of Spring-Summer projects, such as tops, scarves, rectangular shawls, cardigans or sweaters.

Similar to the Spring lace stitch that we learned sometime ago, but much quicker to memorize.

Grab your needles and let’s get started!

How to knit easy lace patterns for beginners


CO: Cast on

RS: Right side of the work

K: Knit

P: Purl

yo: Yarn over (bring the yarn forward)

sl2: Slip two stitches, one by one, as if to knit (pass two stitches knitwise onto the right-hand needle, without knitting them).

passo: Pass the slipped stitches over the last knit stitch

BO: Bind off


The odd rows form the right side of the pattern.

The first and the last stitch will be knitted in every row.

Easy Lace Stitch Knitting Pattern (4 rows)

CO multiples of 6 + 2; i.e.: 6 * 3 = 18 + 2 = 20 stitches

1º row (RS): K1, *K3, yo, sl2, k1, passo, yo*. Repeat from * to *, K1

2º and 4º rows: P across

3º row: K1, *yo, sl2, k1, passo, yo, K3*. Repeat from * to *, K1

These four rows create the pattern. Repeat them until the desired length is reached. When finished, BO purl wise after a row 3.

This is the wrong side of the work:

Learn to knit easy lace stitch pattern, step by step. So Woolly.

And remember, block your work once you have bind off (no matter what sort of garment)! It will look professional, crisp and smooth!

This blocking mat + pins will help you to get optimal results!

Enjoy the video tutorial!

How to Knit an Easy Lace Stitch Pattern (in four rows)

Thank you for watching.

A big Hug to all of you and remember to love and respect each other.


Carolina – So Woolly

PS: Don’t forget to share your knit work on Instagram and mention me (@sowoolly) so we all can see it 😉

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