two-row repeat lace knit stitch
Lace Stitches

Two-Row Repeat Lace Knit Stitch & Double Vertical Decrease+ Video

Today, you’ll learn a lovely two-row repeat lace stitch pattern, and how to knit the wonderful double vertical decrease.

Honestly, I can’t hide my excitement!


Because, until now, every time that I had to make a decrease, it had to be either a right or left-leaning decrease…

We are used to making the classic knit two together (a right-leaning decrease), or the ssk (slip slip knit), which is a left-leaning decrease.

But what if we want a straight decrease?

What I mean, is that sometimes I’d like to have a vertical or “neutral” stitch after making decreases.

So, in this tutorial, I’m sharing how to knit a double-neutral decrease, that also appears raised.

It’s so pretty ๐Ÿ™‚

Besides, this two-row repeat lace pattern is kind of vintage, perfect for a romantic scarf, wrap, shawl, or cardigan. It’s up to you!

However, if you decide to knit a garment that should stay flat, add a nice edge on both lateral sides.

As a Rule of Thumb: When knitting lace, always use sharp tip needles + block your work (I did it for the swatch shown further down).

Enough chatting! Grab your needles and your favorite fiber, and let’s knit together an adorable swatch!


CO: Cast on

st: Stitch

RS: Right side of the work

K: Knit

P: Purl

yo: Yarn over

DVD: Double Vertical Decrease. Slip the next two stitches together knitwise (as we were knitting them together). Pass the first (from right to left) of these 2 stitches back onto the left-hand needle, knit this stitch and the next one together through the back loop, and pass the slipped stitch over

BO: Bind Off

Two-Row Repeat Lace Knit

If you take a close look at the first four rows, you’ll see that on purpose, I made the typical double decrease that leans to the left.

From there, you can see the eye-catching columns of straight (and embossed) v’s!

Two-Row Repeat Lace Knitting Pattern

CO multiples of 8 + 2 (edge/selvage st).

For example: 8 * 3 = 24 + 2 = 26 st.

1ยบ and every odd row (RS):ย K1 (edge), *K1, yo, K2, DVD, K2, yo*. Repeat from * to *, to last st, ending with K1 (edge)

2ยบ and every even row: P across.

These 2 rows create the pattern. Repeat them until the desired length is reached.

When finished, BO purlwise after row 1 (WS).

This is the other side of the work:

two-row repeat lace knitting pattern

Enjoy the video tutorial (showing both, English and Continental styles):

How to Knit a Two-Row Repeat Lace Stitch and the Double Vertical Decrease

I hope you like it! And remember, sharing is caring ๐Ÿ˜‰

Hugs, and happy knitting!

Carolina – So Woolly

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