How to knit the Crossed Check stitch knitting pattern step by step
Knitting stitch patterns

Crossed Check stitch knitting pattern (it doesn’t curl!)

The Crossed Check knitting pattern is a great reason to learn how to cross stitches without using a cable needle.

This is a perfect stitch for knitting women’s, men’s and baby garments, such as scarves, cowls, sweaters, and blankets (it doesn’t curl).

A textured knit and purl pattern, easy to knit, similar to the Diagonal to the right stitch, or the Little Checks stitch.

OK … let’s get started!


CO: Cast on

st: Stitch

RS: Right side of the work

k: Knit

p: Purl

k2tog: Knit two stitches together

RC: Right-leaning cross. K2tog but don’t take the stitch off the left-hand needle. K the first one again, and drop both.

LC: Left-leaning cross. K the second stitch from right to left, through the back loop, (don’t take any of these two stitches off the left-hand needle). K the first, and drop both.

BO: Bind off

Crossed Check stitch

Crossed Check stitch knitting pattern

CO multiples of 4 + 4. I.e.: 4*5 = 20 + 4 = 24 stitches.

Row 0 or Preparatory Row (it’s knitted only once and won’t be repeated or counted in the pattern): P across

1º row (RS): P1, *P2, RC*. Repeat from * to *, ending with P3

2º and every even row: Work every stitch as it presents.

3º row: K1, *K2, LC*. Repeat from * to *, ending with K3

5º row: P1, *RC, P2*. Repeat from * to *, ending with RC, P1

7º row: K1, *LC, K2*. Repeat from * to *, ending with LC, K1

8ª row: P across.

These 8 rows form the pattern. Repeat them until the desired length is reached. When finish, BO knitwise after a row 8.

This is the wrong side of the work:

How to cross stitches

Enjoy the video tutorial:

Crossed Check stitch knitting pattern

I hope you like it and don’t forget to share your knitting on Instagram or Twitter and mention me 😉

I really love to see your progress and your beautiful projects!

Hugs xxx

Happy Knitting!

Carolina – So Woolly

PS: You ask and I answer! These are the knitting needles I use in most of my video tutorials! They are made out of bamboo (they make a soothing sound as I knit), they are not too long (which I love), and this set has all the most commonly used sizes…

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