Knitting patterns for variegated yarns (Part 1): Star stitch

Share via: Facebook Twitter Email LinkedIn Copy Link More I’m happy today, I’m starting a new series of tutorials: Knitting stitch patterns for variegated yarns. Not much of my collection uses multi colored yarns, but I just discovered an interesting brand, and I love this cotton yarn… So I decided to research and swatch, experimenting with what kind of stitches work best with these cool variegated fibers. I was drawn to this subject as there is a lot of other stuff out there that fails to capture the true potential of this beautiful yarn. Why? Because we need to choose the right stitch pattern while working with the fabulous color mixtures. Otherwise, two things can happen: Either the stitch pattern is lost on the colors, or the color work is mixed up with the stitch. So there is no definition color-wise or stitch-wise. The obvious solution for knitting with variegated yarns is the Stockinette stitch. You’ll always be safe with that choice… but as knitters we like to make changes, and in order to triumph, we have to practice (like almost all things). “Practice makes perfect”.  Therefore it’s so important to knit a gauge swatch at least 4 x 4 in (10 x 10 cm), using the yarn, the stitches, and needle that you’ll use for the project itself. I will not tire of repeating it. Swatching isn’t important only because of the dimensions (which are vital), but also because of the appearance. So, I’m sharing with you the knitting patterns that I found most exciting for working with variegated yarns, starting today with the Star stitch. Easy to knit, the Star stitch has a lovely texture to it, it’s a four-row repeat pattern (two of them being knit across), and although it’s not reversible, it’s a great stitch for knitting a scarf or a shawl, but also will work in a cowl, even a blanket or a sweater. The Star stitch is another diagonal pattern, so it shares the same DNA of the Edelweiss stitch we practiced sometime ago. After knitting several gauge swatches, it doesn’t curl, but because your tension and the fiber you use also count, maybe it’s better to knit a nice edge on each side of the scarf, shawl or blanket. ¡Let’s get started! Abbreviations CO: Cast on RS: Right side of the work st: Stitch K: Knit P: Purl yo: Yarn over P3tog: Purl three stitches together Make a Star: P3tog, don’t drop them, yo, p3tog, and now them off the left-hand needle. BO: Bind off My only recommendation before you start knitting this one is to use nice sharp tip knitting needles, like these! It will make your work a lot easier! Star stitch knitting pattern CO multiples of 4 + 1; i.e.: 4 * 4 = 16 + 1 = 17 stitches. 1º and 3º rows (RS): K across 2º row: P1, *Make a star, P1*. Repeat from * to *, to the end 4º row: P3, make a star, *P1, make a star*. Repeat from * to *, until last 3 st, P3. These four rows form the pattern. Repeat them until the desired length is reached. When finished, BO knitwise, after a row 4. This is the other side of the work: Enjoy the video tutorial: Star stitch knitting pattern I hope you like it, and don’t miss the second part of the series! Be safe, keep calm, stop eating so many cookies and happy knitting 😀 xoxo Carolina – So Woolly Gimme your email… And I'll give you free patterns, tricks, tips, exclusive offers & automatic entry to great competitions! Thank you for subscribing. Something went wrong. I agree to have my personal information transfered to MailChimp ( more information ) I will never give away, trade or sell your email address. You can unsubscribe at any time.