Feather Rib knitting pattern: A two-row repeat stitch

Share via: Facebook Twitter Email LinkedIn Copy Link More In this tutorial, you will learn how to knit the Feather Rib pattern: An alternative to the traditional Ribbing stitch. Easy and quick to knit (it’s a two-row repeat stitch), textured (feathers are embossed), and it includes a little bit of lace. Those of us who knit sweaters and cardigans on a regular basis, sometimes get weary of knitting the usual 1×1 and 2×2 ribbing stitches… So it´s nice to have an inventory of different options for stitches to knit the hems and cuffs of our sweaters. It’s motivating and it creates great enthusiasm for a new project (IMHO). The Feather Rib pattern is especially suitable when knitting a sweater in Stockinette stitch. Having this kind of texture at the edgings, gives a distinctive touch to any design, no matter how basic or simple it seems.  Ok, finally, it’s knitting time! Abbreviations CO: Cast on st: Stitch RS: Right side of the work K: Knit P: Purl yo: Yarn over k2togtbl: Knit two stitches together through the back loop p1tbl: Purl one stitch through the back loop But before we start… an important recommendation: To knit lace without die-ing in the attempt, we should use sharp tip needles. This is a lovely set…thinking about giving yourself a treat ;D? The sharp tips allow us to take the yarn overs easier and faster, such as the stitches that need to be taken through the back loop. Feather Rib knitting pattern CO multiples of 5 + 2; i.e.: 5 * 3 = 15 + 2 = 17 stitches. 1º row (RS): P2, *yo, k2togtbl, K1, P2*. Repeat from *to*, to the end. 2º row: K2, *yo, k2togtbl, p1tbl, K2*. Repeat from *to*, to the end. These two rows form the pattern. Repeat them until the desired length is reached. When finished, BO purlwise, after a row 2. This is the wrong side of the work: Enjoy the video: Feather Rib knitting pattern Talk to you soon! Happy knitting, Carolina Gimme your email… And I'll give you free patterns, tricks, tips, exclusive offers & automatic entry to great competitions! Thank you for subscribing. Something went wrong. I agree to have my personal information transfered to MailChimp ( more information ) I will never give away, trade or sell your email address. You can unsubscribe at any time.