Edelweiss stitch knitting pattern: Easy, reversible, and it doesn’t curl!

Share via: Facebook Twitter Email LinkedIn Copy Link More The Edelweiss stitch is one of the easiest and most beautiful of the dense knitting stitch patterns that I know. Even cuter than the Easy stitch pattern for Baby clothing we learned a while ago 😉 It’s a reversible stitch (both sides are adorable), and it doesn’t curl. A perfect choice for knitting blankets, scarves, cowls, jumpers, baby clothing…you name it. Its texture resembles the rare alpine flower called Edelweiss found high up in the Swiss alps… Four rows create the pattern, and there is just one step to memorize…so let’s get started! Abbreviations CO: Cast on RS: Right side of the work st: Stitch K: Knit P: Purl p2tog: Purl two stitches together k2tog: Knit two stitches together BO: Bind off Edelweiss knitting stitch pattern CO multiples of 2 + 1 st; i.e. 2 * 8 = 16 + 1 = 17 st. 1º and 3º rows (RS): K across 2º row: K1, *p2tog, don’t drop it of left needle, k2tog*. Repeat from * to * to the end of the row. 4º row: *p2tog, don’t drop it off the left needle, k2tog*. Repeat from * to *, ending with K1. These four rows create the pattern. Keep knitting until the desired length is reached. When finished, BO knitwise after a 4º row. This is the wrong side of the work: Enjoy the video! Hugs and happy knitting! Carolina – So Woolly Willing to learn exotic and interesting stitches? Take a look of a great “Bible” 😉 PS: Or find more dense and easy stitch patterns here! Gimme your email… And I'll give you free patterns, tricks, tips, exclusive offers & automatic entry to great competitions! Thank you for subscribing. Something went wrong. I agree to have my personal information transfered to MailChimp ( more information ) I will never give away, trade or sell your email address. You can unsubscribe at any time.