A textured knitting stitch for beginners: Diagonal to the right – For scarves, cowls, blankets

Share via: Facebook Twitter Email LinkedIn Copy Link More In this tutorial you’ll learn how to knit a diagonal stitch pattern, reversible, perfect to knit an extensive range of garments: Blankies, scarves, cowls, sweaters, bags, cushions… you name it! The Diagonal Stitch to the Right creates a textured fabric that doesn’t roll up.  It’s easy and fun to knit; a great pattern for beginners. Similar to the “Little Boxes“, a stitch we learned some time ago… Abbreviations CO: Cast on st: Stitch K: Knit P: Purl  WS: Wrong side RS: Right side BO: Bind off Diagonal Stitch to the Right CO multiples of 7 + 2 stitches (edge stitches); i.e.: 7*4 = 28 + 2 = 30 stitches. 1º Row (RS): K1 (edge), *P4, K3*. Repeat from * to *, ending with K1 (edge). 2º and every even row (WS): Work each stitch in the manner that it presents. 3º Row: K1 (edge), *P2, K3, P2*. Repeat from * to *, ending with K1 (edge). 5º Row: K1 (edge), *K3, P4*. Repeat from * to *, ending with K1 (edge). 7º Row: K1 (edge), *K1, P4, K2*. Repeat from * to *, ending with K1 (edge). 9º Row: K1 (edge), *P3, K3, P1*. Repeat from * to *, ending with K1 (edge). 11º Row: K1 (edge), *P1, K3, P3*. Repeat from * to *, ending with K1 (edge). 13º Row: K1 (edge), *K2, P4, K1*. Repeat from * to *, ending with K1 (edge). 14º Row: as 2º row. And that’s it! Easy-peasy! Repeat these 14 rows until the desired length is reached. BO in pattern after a 14th row. This is how the wrong side of the work appears: Enjoy the video tutorial: Diagonal to the Right knitting stitch pattern One more thing before I say goodbye… If you want to knit a scarf using this stitch, and don’t know how many stitches to cast on, try the following steps: Knit a swatch (not less than 10 x 10 cm / 4 x 4 in.) See how many stitches are in 10 cm, and decide the width of your scarf. Let’s say 30 cm wide and 140 cm long. Multiply the number of stitches that you have in 10 cm by 3, and then you know how many st to cast on 😉  To know how much yarn is needed, weigh your swatch. Since it measures 10 cm x 10 cm, multiply the weight by 3, so the width is covered. Now multiply this number by 13, to include the length. The final number will be the total of gr / oz needed. Good luck! Happy knitting! xxx So Woolly – Carolina PS: Looking for more dense knitting stitches? No worries, take a look of this list! Gimme your email… And I'll give you free patterns, tricks, tips, exclusive offers & automatic entry to great competitions! Thank you for subscribing. Something went wrong. I agree to have my personal information transfered to MailChimp ( more information ) I will never give away, trade or sell your email address. You can unsubscribe at any time.